
The Great War

  • The Assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand (Event)

    Serbia had recently emerged from a series of successful events, giving them a new confidence. It now had its eyes set on Bosnia and Herzegovina, which belonged to Austria at the time. Austria vows to crush any Serbian effort to take away their regions. When the heir to the Austrian-Hungarian throne is shot at point-blank range by a Serbian, Austria uses this as a excuse to punish Serbia.
  • The Beginning of World War I (Event/Alliance)

    After Germany provides Austria with unconditional support [Austria and Germany ally], and presses them to fight back, they give Serbia a list of demands. Not interested in negotiation, they reject Serbia's offer and declare war. Russia, Serbia's ally takes action and orders troops toward the Austrian border [Russia and Serbia ally]. Even Kaiser Willhelm, who urged for war between Serbia and Austria pressed for their ally to negotigate. But it was too late. World War I was already starting.
  • The Schlieffen Plan is Developed

    The Schlieffen Plan called for the German army to launch a surprise invasion of France through Belgium.This would outflank the French army and allow the Germans to get behind Paris and capture the city so they could get France out of the war quickly. Then they would move on to fight Russia. The plan depended on the speed of the German army.
  • The First Battle of the Marne Begins (Battle/Paris)

    The battle was fought by Germany and France. This was where Germany put the Schlieffen Plan into motion, but they never anticipated for France to fight back. When they fought back using Trench Warfare, France won because they knew Germany had no retreat plan.
  • The Dardenelles Campaign

    British and French forces launched an naval attack on Turkish forces in the Dardanelles in northwestern Turkey, hoping to separate Europe from Asia.
  • Battle of Verdun

    The Battle of Verdun was one of the critical battles during World War I on the Western Front. It was fought between the German and French armies, on hilly terrain north of the city of Verdun-sur-Meuse in northeastern France. The Battle of Verdun ended with a French victory as the German assailants failed to capture Verdun and were pushed back close to their initial starting lines.
  • Battle of the Somme

    In July of 1916, the British army tried to relieve the pressure on the France. British forces attacked Germany northwest of Verdun, in the valley of the Somme River. By the time the Battle of the Somme ended in November, each side suffered over half a million casualties.
  • Unrestricted Submarine Warfare

    In the 1917, The focus of the war shifted to the high seas. In January 1917, the Germans decided to announced that their submarines would sink without warning any ship in the waters of Britain.
  • United States enters war

    America joins the war because Germany says they will destroy all ships heading to Britain. Although Wilson broke off all ties with Germany, he still hoped to avert war by arming merchant vessels as a deterrent. But Germany still began sinking American ships immediately. And when British intelligence intercepted the Zimmerman Note and gave it to the U.S. goverment and they finally declared war on Germany. United States enter the war on the side of Allies.
  • Russia quits war

    In 1917, Nearly 5,5 million Russian soldiers had been wounded, killed, or taken prisoner. The war-weary Russian army refused to fight any longer.
  • Treaty of Brest-Litovsk

    In March of 1918, Germany and Russia signed the Treaty of Brest-Litovsk, which ended the war between them. The Treaty was extremely hard on Russia. It required the Russian government to surrender lands to Germany.
  • Second Battle of Marne

    The Allies and Germans clashed at the Second Battle of Marne, Leading the Allied attack were some 350 tanks that rumbled slowly forward, smashing through Germans lines. With arrival of 2 million more American troops, the Allied forces began to advance steadily toward Germany.
  • Germany signed armistce

    Germany signed armistce, an agreement to end the fighting on November 11, 1918
  • The Treaty of Versailles

    The Treaty of Versailles between Germany and The Allied powers was signed on July 28 1919.