The Great War

  • Assasination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand

    This terrorist act caused the largest war in Europe/World.
  • Austria rejected Serbia's offer

    Austria rejecting the offer caused war between the two countries.
  • Period: to

    Central Powers and Allies were made.

    Countries in Central Powers were Germany and Austria-Hungary. Bulgaria and the Ottoman Empire later joined. The countries in the Allied Powers were Great Britain, France, and Russia. Later Japan and Italy joined.
  • Russians defeated the Austrians twice.

    The defeat of the Austrians caused them to go deeper into Austria. Later Germans helped turn it around causing the Russians to go east.
  • Battle of the Allies and Germans

    The Allies attacked Germans northeast of Paris, in the valley of the Marne River.
  • Gallipoli Battle

    British, Australian, New Zeleand, and French tropps assaulted the Gallipoli Peninsula. Turkish troops defended the area. Both sides dug trenches and fought for the rest of the year.
  • German and French Battle

    Each side lost more than 300,000 men. Germans attacked the French near Verdun.
  • Period: to

    Battle in the Valley of Somme River

    British forces attacked Germans northwest of Verdun.On the first day 20,000 British soldiars were killed. By the end of the war almost half a million on both sides were killed.
  • Unrestricted Submarine Warfare.

    German submarines would sink submarines without warning any ship in the waters around Britain.
  • United States join Allies

    President Wilson asked Congress to declare war.
  • Vladimir siezed power.

    Communist leader Vladimir Ilyich Lenin siezed power of Russia. He insisted that the country ended the involvement in the war.
  • Treaty of Brest-Litovsk

    Germany and Russia signed this treaty, that ended the war between them.
  • Second Battle of the Marne

    The Allies and Germans clashed. The Allied forces steadily advanced toward Germany.
  • World War I ended

    Leaders of multiple nations gathered outside of Paris to work out peace.
  • Treaty of Versailles

    Germany and the Allied Powers signed the treaty.This treaty created the League of Nations.