the great war

  • sepoy munity

    sepoy munity
    british introduced a new type of bullet covered in animal fat
  • Assasinaton of franz ferdinand

    Assasinaton of franz ferdinand
    when franz ferdinand was killed it was the spark of the war
  • lusitania

    120 americans were killed on the lusitania from it being sunk
  • sussex pledge

    sussex pledge
    president wilson made this pledge for germany to stop sinking american ships
  • zimmerman note

    zimmerman note
    zimmermans intent was to decode by the british and sent to the us further swaying americans to action.
  • america joins wat

    america joins wat
    america actually joins the war on this day

    the flu killed 50 million aditional people in europe
  • armistice day

    armistice day
    allied powers signed the armistice with germany which brought an end to the war
  • treaty of versailles

    treaty of versailles
    alies signed the treaty and placed the blame on germany
  • raj ended

    raj ended
    the raj ended