The Great Wall

  • Archduke Franz Ferdinand

    -Archduke Franz Ferdinand
    -He was born in Graz, Austria, the eldest son of Archduke Karl Ludwig of Austria and of his second wife, Princess Maria Annunciata of Bourbon-Two Sicilies
  • Triple Entente

    • was the military alliance between Germany, Austria–Hungary, and Italy
  • Die Westfront

    • the Western Front consisted of a relatively static line of trench systems which stretched from the coast of the North Sea southwards to the Swiss border
  • gallipoli Campaign

    british, Austrailian, New Zealand, and French troops made repeated assault on the Gallipoli Peninsula on the Western side of the strait
  • Trench Warefare

    -occupied fighting lines consisting largely of trenches, in which troops are significantly protected from the enemy's small arms fire and are substantially sheltered from artillery
  • Subsidiary attack of Somme Offensive

    -the Battle of Pozieres Ridge on the Albert-Bapaume road saw the Australians and British fight hard for an area that comprised a first rate observation post over the surrounding countryside, as well as the additional benefit of offering an alternative approach to the rear of the Thiepval defences
  • unstricted submarine warefare

    -germans announce that their submarine would sink without warning any ship around britain.
  • German Actions

    Germans pushed the U.S. closer to war. The British intercepted a telegram from Germany's Foreign secretary, Auther Zimmermann, to the German ambassador in Mexico.
  • Germany and Russia

    -signed the Treaty of Brest-Litovsk, which ended the war between them
  • The Zimmermann Note

    -President Wilson Asked Congress to Declare war.
    -The U.S. entered the war on the side of the allies.
  • Communist leader Vladimir Ilyich

    -Lenin insisted on ending his Country's involvment in the war.
    - one of his first acts was to offer Germany a Truce.
  • The Allies And the Germans

    -clashed at the Second Battle of the Marne.
  • WWI came to an End

    • After Four years of Slaughter and destruction, the time had come to forge a peace settlement.
  • Treaty of Versailles

    -signed on by Germany and the Allied powers at the Palace of Versailles