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The Great Pyramids of Giza

By wangt
  • 2589 BCE

    Khufu is born

    Khufu is born
    Born as the 4th dynasty pharaoh, Sneferu and Hetepheres I are his parents
  • 2589 BCE

    Khufu's father dies

    Khufu's father dies
    Sneferu dies before his wife Hetepheres I
  • 2566 BCE

    Khufus death

    Khufus death
    Khufu dies after his father but before his mother
  • 2551 BCE

    Khufu's mother dies

    Khufu's mother dies
    Hetepheres I dies after Khufu and Khufu's father Sneferu
  • Period: 2530 BCE to 2560 BCE

    Great Pyramids of Giza built

    The Great Pyramids of Giza were built for about thirty years, ten years of which were spent planning for the pyramids.