The great gatsby

The Great Gatsby Timeline

By mtower
  • Daisy's Born

    Daisy's Born
    "The largest of the banners and the largest of the lawns belonged to Daisy Fay's house. She was just eighteen, two years older than me" (p. 74).
  • Period: to

    The Great Gatsby Timeline

  • America Enters World War I

    America Enters World War I
  • Nick Graduates from New Haven

    Nick Graduates from New Haven
    "I graduated from New Haven in 1915" (p. 3).
  • Nick Goes to World War I

    Nick Goes to World War I
    "I graduated from New Haven in 1915, just a quarter of a century after my father, and a little later I participated in that delayed Teutonic migration known as The Great War" (p. 3).
  • Jordan Sees Gatsby for the First Time

    "When I came opposite her hosue that morning her white
    roadster was beside the curb, and she was sitting in it with a lieutenant I had never seen before" (p. 74). "His name was Jay Gatsby, and I didn't lay eyes on him again for over four years-even I'd met him on Long Island" (p. 75).
  • Daisy's "Debut" (Winter)

    Daisy's "Debut" (Winter)
    "By the next autumn she was gay again, gay as ever. She had a debut after the Armistice, and in February she was
    presumably engaged to a man from New Orleans" (p. 75).
  • Nick Returns from World War I

    Daisy says "You didn't come to my wedding" to Nick (p. 16). Nick says "I wasn't back from the war" (p. 16).
  • Gatsby Moves to New York (sometime between 1918-1921)

    Gatsby Moves to New York (sometime between 1918-1921) "His name was Jay Gatsby, and I didn't lay eyes on him again for over four years-even after I'd met him on Long Island I didn't realize it was the same man" (p. 75).
  • Tom's First Caught Cheating (publicly)

    "A week after I left Santa Barbara Tom ran into
    a wagon on the Ventura road...the girl who was with him got into the papers, too, because her arm was broken-she was one of
    the chambermaids in the Santa Barbara Hotel" (p. 77).
  • Daisy and Tom Buchanan Get Married

    Daisy and Tom Buchanan Get Married
    "In June she married Tom Buchanan of Chicago, with more pomp and circumstance than Louisville ever knew before" (p. 75)
  • The Armistice

    The Armistice
  • Tom and Daisy's Daughter is Born

    Tom and Daisy's Daughter is Born
    "The next April Daisy had her little girl and they went to France for a year" (p. 77).
  • Women's Suffrage

    Women's Suffrage
  • Nick Moves to New York

    Nick Moves to New York
    "I came east, permanantly, I thought, in the spring of twenty-two" (p. 3).
  • Nick Leaves New York (Autumn)

    "When I came back from the east last autumn I felt that I wanted the world to be in uniform and at a sort of moral attention forever" (p. 2).
  • Scopes Trial

    Scopes Trial
  • Prohibition Passed

    Prohibition Passed