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The Great Gatsby

By ICE_16
  • Nick moves to West Egg

    Nick moves to West Egg
    Nick buys a small house in West Egg, next to a large mansion.
  • Nick Goes To The Buchanan's Household

    Nick Goes To The Buchanan's Household
    Nick catches up with his old friends Daisy and Tom Buchanan over breakfast at the Buchanan mansion.
  • Nick Attends Gatsby's Party

    Nick Attends Gatsby's Party
    Nick attended his first party at Gatsby's mansion. Nick was one of the few guests actually invited to the party, and later in the night he meets Jay Gatsby.
  • Nick Meets Tom's Mistress

    Nick Meets Tom's Mistress
    Tom and Nick to go visit Tom's mistress Myrtle. They later go into town where they party and Nick consumes too much alcohol.
  • Gatsby and Daisy Reunite

    Gatsby and Daisy Reunite
    Jay asks Nick to invite Daisy to come over for tea. That's where Gatsby shows up and re-connects with his old friend Daisy.
  • Party At The Buchanan's

    Party At The Buchanan's
    Tom and Daisy invite Gatsby, Nick, and Jordan over to their home. That is where Tom unfolds the affair that Daisy is having with Gatsby. Soon after, they all go into town on such a hot day.
  • Myrtle Dies

    Myrtle Dies
    Myrtle dies in a hit and run by a speeding vehicle. Which was driven by Daisy, although Gatsby takes the blame.
  • Tom Figures It Out

    Tom Figures It Out
    After hearing the stories of the witnesses, he realizes that it was Gatsby who murdered his mistress, Myrtle.
  • Gatsby Dies

    Gatsby Dies
    Gatsby is murdered by Myrltes husband in his pool behind his home.
  • Gastby's Funeral

    Gastby's Funeral
    At Gatsby's funeral, nobody showed up to attend the event.