Immigration going on, immigrants change their name, west, frontier, territory dissapears, get land, water, freedom, money, escape, jobs, resources from land, American dream -
Wounded knee masacre
Army shot up everyone, last group that was still resisting going to reservations, renegade group, anonymous shot fired -
GATSBY meets Cody and changes name
Dan Cody died
Murdered by Ella Kaye and had money stollen that was supposed to go to gatsby -
Daisy meets gatsby
Before vs after war -
Daisy gets engaged
End of WWI
Fixed world series
8 white sox players banned, first national sport scandal, baseball almost collapsed, figured whole game was tarnished, white sox called it the black sox scandal, ruined a "pure" game, happened just after WWI, disheartening, -
Spanish flu
Rare, weird strain, made immune system over react to flu, bodies self destruct, few babies and old people died, ppl in ripe age died, worldwide pandemic -
Tom with chambermaid
Treaty of Versailles
GATSBY and wolfsheim
Daisy marries tom
WOMANS suffrage
Daisys daughter born
Period: to
Most of book takes place
Nick writing book
Fitzgerald published book
Concerned for philndering and alcohol and irresponsibility