Pluto Discovered
Clyde Tombaugh discovered the planet and it is assumed to be the ninth planet in the solar system. -
Franklin D. Roosevelt Elected
Franklin Delano Roosevelt wins the 1932 election over Herbert Hoover. -
Adolf Hitler Selected as Chancellor
Adolf Hitler is appointed chancellor of Germany by President Paul von Hindenburg. -
The New Deal
The U.S. Congress passes FDR's New Deal program in order to help relieve the depression. -
Social Security Act
Congress passes the Social Security Act which would help retired workers and the unemployed. -
Spanish Civil War
The Spanish uprising begins with the Spanish military in order to overthrow Spain's government. -
Volkswagen Produces Beetle
The Volkswagen Beetle is first produced in Germany and is used in the military effort. -
World War II Begins
Germany invades Poland which sparks the unofficial start of WWII. -
Auschwitz Constructed
The Auschwitz concentration camp is ordered to be built and would be the largest out of the camps. -
Jeep Introduced
The revolutionary car is invented and used for military tactics by both sides in the war. -
Captain America Debue
The Nazi fighting superhero is introduced during WWII in his own comic book series. -
Attack on Pearl Harbor
The Japanese attack Pearl Harbor in an attempt to destroy America's naval fleet. -
United Nations Created
The peace-keeping organization is created by FDR and Winston Churchill. 26 representatives from different countries sign a document that declares the U.N. founded. -
Start of the Manhattan Project
This secret project is created in order to build the first atomic bomb before Germany. -
Battle of Midway
The U.S. navy defeats the Japanese in the Battle of Midway and can be seen as a turning point in the Pacific War. -
Battle of Stalingrad
Germany attempts to overtake the city of Stalingrad. The Russians fight to defend their city against the Germans and win. -
Italy Joins Allies
Gen. Pietro Badoglio becomes Prime Minister and makes peace with the allies. Italy then declares war on Germany. -
American, British, and Canadian forces land on the beaches of Normandy in France in an attempt to confuse the German forces. -
Bombing of Dresden
The German city of Dresden is bombed by the Allied forces. Many civilians are killed in the attck. -
FDR Passes Away
Roosevelt dies from and intracerebral hemorrhage. -
Hitler Dies
Adolf Hitler commits suicide as the war in Europe nears its end and Germany's defeat seems imminent. -
German Surrender
The Germans surrender to the Allies unconditionally in Reims, France. -
Hiroshima Bombing
The United States drop an atomic bomb on the city of Hiroshima. Many civilians die from the bomb and from radiation poisoning. -
The United States drops a second nuclear bomb on the Japanese city of Nagasaki resulting in thousands of civilian, soldier, and prisoner of war deaths. -
Japan Surrenders
The Japanese surrender to the Americans which results in the end of the Pacific War