J.Edgar Hoover Becomes Head of the FBI
Hoover becomes the head of the FBI and probably one of the best ones -
Mein Kampf is Published
the date when Hitler published his book about his "struggle" -
Stock Market Crash Begins Great Depression
the day that america faces the biggest economic crisis it had ever seen -
The Dust Bowl Begins
the dust bowl begins its attack on the united states -
Franklin Roosevelt is Elected President (1st Time)
franklin roosevelt is elected president of the united states for the first time -
Adolf Hitler Become Chancellor of Germany
the day adolf hitler became chancellor -
CCC is Created
the CCC is born -
WPA is Created
The WPA is born as part of the new deal plan -
J.J. Braddock Wins Heavyweight Boxing Title
James Braddock wins the heavyweight boxing title in Madison Square Garden -
Olympic Games in Berlin
the olympics where jesse owens won 4 Olympic medals in front of adolf hitler -
a night of violence committed by the nazi party against the jews -
Grapes of Wrath is Published
the grapes of wrath tells the story of a family moving to California after the dust storms and drought -
Wizard of Oz Premiers in Movie Theaters
the wizard of oz is seen for the first time -
Germany Invades Poland
Germany invaded Poland kicking off the second world war -
The Four Freedoms Speech
Franklin D. Roosevelt delivered a speech envisioning a world where all were free and had the ability to make their own decisions.