Period: to
Europe's last absolute rulers had been overthrown
War's end saw the sudden rise of new democracies. -
Russia forms a new government
The Provisional Government, hopes to estacblish a democratic rule; nonetheless withing months it had fallen to a Communist dictatorship. -
Germany's new democratic government was set up
It was known as the Weimar Republic which had serious weaknesses from the start. Such as major political parties and minor ones, a lack of strong democratic tradition and millions of Germans even blamed this government for the country's defeat. -
Paris Peace Conference takes place
Italy was mostly dissapointed over the failure to win large territorial gains at this conference. Inflation and unemployement were also great problems in Italy, this made Italians loose faith on a democracy. -
Mussolini founds the Facist Party
He promised to rescue Italy by reviving it's economy and rebuilding its armed forces. His popuolarity rapidly increased. -
Hitler joins the Nazi Party and becomes its leader
Nazis believed that the Treaty of Versailles should be overthrown and that ethnic groups such as Jews, Gypsies, and Slavs were inferior and deteriorated Germany. -
Military forces and wealthy landowners in Hungary joined to claim for a dictatorship
Admiral Miklós Horthy became the first postwar dictator in Europe. -
Mussolini comes to power
After Fascists marched on Rome claiming for power, demanding that King Victor Emmanuel III put Mussolini in charge of the government, Mussolini takes power "legally". -
Hitler is arrested
After a march to seize power in Munich failed, Hitler was taken to prison in which he was sentenced to five years of service, there he wrote his own book called "My Struggle" which set forth his beliefs and his goals for Germany. -
Inflation causes crisis in Germany
After the war, Germany had lost a number of money and lives; to pay the expenses of the war, instead of raising taxes, Germany printed more money which immediately lost value. For example, a bread loaf which price was once less han a mark, five years later, the sae brad loaf cost had rised up to a billion marks. -
Hitler revives the Nazi Party
After leaving prison. -
Germany and France signed a peace treaty
And promissed they would never again make war agains each other. -
Marshal Jozef Piludski seizes power in Poland
German factories were producing as much as goods as they did before the Great War
After the inflation, Charles Dawes provided a plan for Germany to re-establish its economy in a more realistic way, -
American factories were turning out nearly half of the world's industrial goods
This rising productivity led to enourmous profits. Nonetheless, this wealth was not evenly distributed. As the richest 5% of the population received 33% of all personal incolme while 60% of American families earned less than $2,000 a year. -
Period: to
Both farmers and urban workers, suffered as the value of exports fell.
U.S economy weakens
As the prosperity of the U.S.A sustained the world economy, the whole wold's economic system collapsed. -
The U.S market collapsed
U.S voters elected Franklin D. Roosevelt as their president
He later restored American's faith in their nation and began aprogram of government reform which helped the growth of the U.S economy again. -
Hitler is appointed chancellor
By this moment, tha Nazi party was the largest politicl party in Germany, President Hindenburg thought he would be the best option for Germany to groweconomically again. -
Nazis start persecuting the Jews
A little later, the SS arrested and murdered hundreds of Hitlers enemies including Jews. -
Only one democracy remained in eastern Europe
This one democracy remaining was Chechoslovakia -
Kristallnacht takes place
This night, Nazi mobs attacked Jews in their homes and on the streets, also destroying thousands of Jewish owned buildings. This attempt signaled the real strat of the process of eliminating Jews from Germany