Colton Rapp The Great Depression

  • Stock Market Crash

    Stock Market Crash
    Known as Black tuesday. Was one of the worst days in history for the stock market. It is one of the biggest crashes in our history.
  • U.S. Football Broadcast

    U.S. Football Broadcast
    On this day it was the first time a U.S. football game was broadcasted in England. The game was between Harvard and Yale, Harvard took the victory 13-0
  • Al Capone sent to prision.

    Al Capone sent to prision.
    Al Capone was one of the most famous bootlegging gangsters. He made his living thanks to prohibition and it finally caught up to him. He was sent to prision in Georgia.
  • Radio City Music Hall opens

    Radio City Music Hall opens
    Radio City Music hall opened on this day by John Rockefeller. It is still open today and stages preformences of people singing.
  • German Chancellor

    German Chancellor
    Hitler was named the chancellor of Germany this day. This started his genocide against the jews because it gave him the power to do what he wanted.
  • King Kong

    King Kong
    King Kong was shown in NYC for the first time. It was a very succesful movie and has been remade many times.
  • Loch Ness Monster

    Loch Ness Monster
    The first ever sighting was made by John Mackay. Many people still report sightings today of the Loch Ness monster
  • Alcatraz officially becomes a federal prison

    Alcatraz officially becomes a federal prison
    Alcatraz became an offical federal prison on this day. It is no longer in use but was considered the most secure prision of its time.
  • Babe Ruth announces this is his final season as full time player

    Babe Ruth announces this is his final season as full time player
    Babe Ruth annonced his final season as a full time baseball player. He was know for hitting home runs and has some of the highest homerun counts to this day.
  • Semi-automatic rifles adopted by US army

    Semi-automatic rifles adopted by US army
    This was a huge turning point for the U.S, It was the first Semi-auto rifle that was used by the U.S.
  • 1st flight of airship Hindenburg, Germany

    1st flight of airship Hindenburg, Germany
    Air ships were a very big thing at first. It didnt not last due to the highly flammable gas used to keep them in the air.
  • F.D.R

    President Roosevelt's elections marks the end of the Great Depression. He help get the country back in shape.