The Great Depression

  • J.Edgar Hoover Becomes Head of the FBI

    J.Edgar Hoover Becomes Head of the FBI
    J. Edgar Hoover became the head of the FBI in 1924 and stayed in the position til his death in 1972. The most believable reason that he was in that position that long is because of the secret files that he want on people in power.
  • Mein Kampf is Published

    Mein Kampf is Published
    Mein Kampf is an autobiographical manifesto by Adolf Hitler. The book describes how Hitler became antisemitic. It also talks about his political ideology and future plans for Germany.
  • Stock Market Crash Begins Great Depression

    Stock Market Crash Begins Great Depression
    The stock market crashed people were trying to buy stocks on margines. After the stock market crashed people were trying to get their money out of banks, which made the banks collapse and that begins the Great Depression.
  • The Dust Bowl Begins

    The Dust Bowl Begins
    The Dust Bowl also known as the Dirty 30s started because farmers didn't know the proper way to tend to a field and the top soil was all dust. One day there were storms and the winds picked up all the dust and pushed it all the way to the East Coast.
  • Franklin Roosevelt is Elected President (1st Time)

    Franklin Roosevelt is Elected President (1st Time)
    When Franklin Roosevelt he created a lot of programs for people who were unemployed. The reason that he created these programs is because of the Great Depression and the stock market crash.
  • Adolf Hitler Become Chancellor of Germany

    Adolf Hitler Become Chancellor of Germany
    The way that Adolf Hitler becomes Chancellor is through a democratic approach. Hitler the leader of the nazi party, they become a part of parliament. Their group is most of the parliament so they elect him as chancellor.
  • CCC is Created

    CCC is Created
    The CCC (Civilian Conservation Corps) was created to perform conservation work throughout the nation's forests, parks, and fields. They would normally recruit unemployed young men.
  • WPA is Created

    WPA is Created
    The reason that the WPA was created was like the rest of the New Deal programs. The WPA is well know for creating parks, and building roads, bridges, schools, and other public structures.
  • J.J. Braddock Wins Heavyweight Boxing Title

    J.J. Braddock Wins Heavyweight Boxing Title
    James J Braddock boxed in the Madison Square Garden Bowl in Long Island City. He won after 15 rounds.
  • Olympic Games in Berlin

    Olympic Games in Berlin
    In 1936 Hitler brought the Olympic Games to Berlin. The featured athletes of the Olympics are Hendrika Mastenbroek (swimming) (3 Golds)(1 Silver), Konrad Frey (Gymnastics) (3 Golds)(1 Silver)(2 Bronze), Elizabeth Robinson(Athletics) (1 Gold), Jesse Owns (Athletics) (4 Golds).
  • Kristallnacht

    Kristallnacht also known as the night of broken glass. Kristallnacht was the porgrom of the Jew. This massacre was carried out by the Nazi party.
  • Grapes of Wrath is Published

    Grapes of Wrath is Published
    The Grapes of Wrath is about a family that was affect about the Dust Bowl.
  • Wizard of Oz Premiers in Movie Theaters

    Wizard of Oz Premiers in Movie Theaters
    A young lady named Dorothy and her dog toto was swept away by a tornado. She was brought o place called oz, she added people to her group to go to the emerald city to see the wizard of oz. This movie was iconic because it went from black and white to color.
  • Germany Invades Poland

    Germany Invades Poland
    Hitler invaded Poland because he wanted to gain back what Germany lost after WWI.
  • The Four Freedoms Speech

    The Four Freedoms Speech
    The four Freedom Speech was about the 4 human rights. In this speech talks about the freedom of speech, freedom of worship, freedom from want, and freedom from fear.