Warren G Harding Elected
Warren Harding , was the 29th president , he was also the first news paper publisher . -
Calvin Coolidge
coolidge was the 30th president , he was a republican and a lwayer during the boston trick calvin was trusted into the national spotlight and gave him reputation as a man of decisive action. -
Harber Hoover
Hoover was the 31st president he also was an author and U.S food administration, -
Franlin D. Roosevelt Elected
Franklin was the 32nd president , he was the reason for the great depression and the cause of world war 1 . -
Model T
The T- model Ws Kno As the Tin Lizzie . it Changed the way way Americans Lived , it also helped people Work and travel . -
Prohibition 18th Amendment
the 18th amendement prohibition of alcohic beverages in the u,s -
Tea Pot Dome Scandal
The tea pot was a resolution that took motion , and the naval oil reserve lands from the navy. -
Dawes Plan
dawes plan was to solve the reparations problem , but it had bedeviled internation plitics following world war 1 . -
coolidge Speech
coolidge speech , was speaking apone , newspaper , and how alot of people was getting ignorance because of newspapers not telling the truth on most of ther articals and cause alot of people to get mad. -
The Great Gatsby
this was a book writtin by an author name Scott Fitzgerald -
Black Tuesday
New York Stocks exchanged crashed . the stock prices was going sky high and caused a depression. -
Smoot-Hawley Tariff
Smoot Hawley was an act that was signed bye 2 mens named reed smoot , willis hawley to raise tariffs and to ship over 20,00 goods to U.S -
Reconstruction Finance Corporation
An Agency gave 2 billion in aid to the state and local goverment and made loans to banks rail roads , and mortgage associations and other buisness -
Bonus Army March
bonus army was an assemblage of 43,000 marches of world war 1 . verterans , familys , and affiliated groups . -
Tennessee Valley Authority
A Corporation Own By U.s That Helped Tennessee Out From The Great Depression . -
National Industrial Recovery Act
This was made an act during the great depression part of Fraklin D Roosevelt New deal it was made to regulate industry and permitt cartels and monopolies -
Public Works Administration
also part of the new deal , united states public works constrution agency . -
Agricultural Adjustment Act
(Triple A) new deal , restricted agricultural production paying farmers subsidles not to plant parts of their lands . -
Security and exchange commission
(SEC) responsble for inforcing and federal and regulating the securities industry and stock and options exchange in the untied states. -
Works Progress Administration
this deal was to employ pver millions of unemployd of means -
Wagner Act
protecting emplyes to discuss organizing and workplace issues with coworkers -
Fair Labor Standards Act
Letting emplyes work how long they want to . and making sure they are getting payed what they are working for . -
The Grapes Of Wrath
american realist book written by John Steinbeck . this book was about a poor family during the great depression it also won a national book awards -
Civilian Construction Corps
This program was apart of the New deal , for mens of ages 18 - 28 that was unemployed , unmarried nad was only getting payed 30$ a month , james McEntee was the head boss