The Great Cambodia Timeline

  • Cambodia wins their independence from France

  • Sihanouk's father died and Sihanouk became head of state (king)

  • Cambodia severed ties with South Vietnam

  • Rolling Thunder Bombing (Vietnam War) Began

  • The Civil war in Cambodia began

  • Rolling Thunder Bombing Ends

  • Lon Nol overthrew Sihanouk and sent Khmer Republic army to fight the North Vietnamese

  • Civil war in Cambodia ends

  • Pol Pot renames country Kampuchea

  • Vietnam Invades Cambodia

  • Phnom Penh falls to the Vietnamese

  • Hun Sen becomes prime minister of Cambodia's government

  • Lon Nol dies of congestive heart failure

  • Vietnam withdraws from Cambodia

  • Peace Treaty signed to resolve conflict

  • The first democratic election is held

  • Prince Norodom Ranariddh becomes first prime minister and Hun Sen is named second prime minister

  • Khmer Rouge was outlawed

  • Pol Pot dies while under house arrest from Khmer Rouge rebels who had turned against him

  • United Nations and Cambodia agree to an international tribunal for previous Khmer Rouge leaders