The Gradual Increase of Nazi Persecution of the Soviet Solders

  • Nazi Soviet Pact

    Nazi Germany and the Soviet Union signed a secret agreement stating not to attack each other for 10 years and agreed to divided eastern Europe.
  • German Military Issues Commissar Order

    The Order encouraged and authorized German Soldiers to execute commissioners. They also didn't have to follow laws of war.
  • Germany Invades the Soviet Union

    Hitler wanted to neutralize an existing mutual defense treaty between France and the Soviet Union and ensure the Soviets would stand by when Germany invaded its next target Poland.
  • Allies Condemn mass murder

    The Nazi Germany wanted to have a declaration of the policy of “Cold-Blooded extermination and vowed that the perpetrators of the atrocities would not escape punishment after the war.
  • German Defeat at Stalingrad

    The German military surrendered after battling for seven months to try and take over the Soviet city.
  • Alexander Pechersky

    Alexander Pechersky was persecuted in the war on October 14 1943.
  • German Forces Surrender

    When Adolf hitler committed suicide the germanofficals surrendered. Then one day later the war in Europe ended and the allies celebrated and the allied forces won the war.