The Gradual Increase of Nazi Persecution of the Disabilities

  • Reichstag Fire Decree

    This law was put into place by President von Hindenburg. This law took away the freedom of speech, freedom of the press, and the right for people to assemble. This meant that the government now could control what was being published to citizens of Germany.
    As a group of people, I can no longer know what is going on about different people who would have disabilities.
  • Enabling Act

    The purpose of this law was to create propaganda that makes Hitler look like a good leader, so that everyone votes for him to be the new chancellor for Germany. This affected everyone’s lives because of the fact that they did in fact believe this propaganda, and voted for Hitler, who was not a good leader and had anti - semitism. As a group of people, I was affected was because they made propaganda for Hitler to get voted.
  • Burning of “Un-German” Books

    The burning of all these books prevented knowledge of what Hitler was doing, and now it could be harmful to society. Because of this, the holocaust was continued and nobody rose an eyebrow about it because they simply did not know it was even happening! This is one way for us not to read what we read.
  • Press Censorship Law

    Jewish people who worked for the newspaper were out of work. People in Germany weren’t able to get the real news from the press anymore as only certain things were published. As people, we could not read what's happening to people.
  • Hitler Becomes Fuhrer

    president paul von died. Hitler became president. Hitler got rid of the office and declared himself as the dictator. This means that we are in danger of having Hitler being the leader.
  • Law for the Protection of German Blood and Honor

    People could only marry someone of the same race as them. Citizenship the people that had jews in there family would be considered mixed race so they would get sent to the camps. As people with disabilities I could only marry someone like me.
  • Euthanasia Decree

    This law was the first mass-killing from the Nazis and killed over 250,000 people. 10,00 of those people were children from 1-17. As people with disabilities, we do not know what's happening to us.
  • Nazi-Soviet Pact

    Nazi Germany and the Soviet Union signed a secret agreement stating not to attack each other for 10 years and agreed to divide Eastern Europe. Germany saw the Soviet Union as an enemy and Germany linked jews with the Soviet Union. This means they will not kill us off with a wall because they would starve us.
  • Axis Alliance Formed

    On September 27, 1940, the Axis alliance was formed with Hitler in leed. The countries Japan and Italy signed the Tripartite pact first. Which means that they are going after people with disabilities.
  • Alfred wold

    She was in a room with a lot of smoke and got a disability because of it. Alfred was transferred to the children’s word at Vienna. He was murdered on February 22, 1941.
  • Germany Invades Yugoslavia and Greece

    Yugoslavia and Greece were invaded by Germany because Germany wanted more land. But they didn't let them go into their country so that's why Germany invaded them. This Law affects people with disabilities because they are invading war.