The Glass Castle Timeline

  • Rex and Rose Meet

    Rex and Rose Meet
    Dad and Mom meet near Fish Creek Canyon. They get married 6 months after they met. Had Lori their first daughter. Mary Charleen was born a year after Lori but died when she was 9 months old. Two years later Jeannette was born then Brian when Jeanette was 1 year old.
  • Period: to

    Family moves

    **This timeline uses approximate years as they were not listed in the book Family moves in a nomadic style where Dad could get a job. Sometimes they would just leave in a rush. The would eventually end up in Welch.
    Dad talks about building the glass castle once they find gold. A beautiful home in the desert made of glass.
  • Jeannette gets burned

    Jeannette gets burned
    When Jeannette was 3 she was cooking hot dogs on the oven and got burned. She spent a lot of time in the hospital. She became fascinated with fire.
  • Left Behind

    Left Behind
    When Jeannette was 4 they were traveling in Nevada in what they called the “Green Caboose” which was a station wagon. The made a sharp turn and she fell out of the car. It took her parents a while to realize that she had fallen out. She was afraid they were going to leave her.
  • New Baby

    New Baby
    When Jeannette was 5 her sister Lily Ruth Maureen was born. She was named after her grandmothers.
  • Dad's drinking gets worse

    Dad's drinking gets worse
    Dad (Rex) his drinking is getting worse. He burns down the Christmas tree and all the presents.
  • Welch

    When Jeannette was 7 they moved to Welch to live with Dad’s family. They were the poorest family in town. 1974 Things do not go well and Erma is caught by Jeannette and Lori touching Brian inappropriately. They are banished to the basement and Emma wants them to leave. They move to a shack and often go without food. Jeannette and Brian are enrolled in school. The living conditions are awful. Dad leaves frequently.
  • Jeannette Decides to Move

    Jeannette Decides to Move
    Sr year of high school Jeannette decides to move to NY with Lori. Her dad does not speak to her for a while. When he finally does he has the blueprints for the glass castle. Jeannette tells her dad he will never build the glass castle. The dream is dead for her she is leaving.
  • New York

    New York
    Age 17 Jeannette moves to NY with Lori. Brian eventually moved to NY as well. Jeannette went to Barnard College. Lori had Maureen move to NY after an injury when she was 12 years old. Mom and dad moved to NY 3 years later to be near all the kids.
  • Mom and Dad arrive

    Mom and Dad arrive
    Dad did not find work and wore out his welcome with Lori. Mom and dad moved into a van they were homeless. Dad caught Tuberculosis but it helped him get sober while he was in the hospital. He did not stay sober long.
  • Changes for Jeannette

    Changes for Jeannette
    eannette graduates, moves in with Eric on Park Avenue, and starts a new job. After 4 years, she marries Eric. Jeannette finds out the land from Welch was worth a million dollars (they had spent their lives hungry and in terrible living conditions and the land they owned was worth millions).
  • Maureen's Downslide

    Maureen's Downslide
    Maureen graduated from high school but was not doing well. Jeannette felt like she may be on drugs. Maureen ended up stabbing mom. She was sent to a hospital for treatment then moved to California.
  • Love despite all the difficulties

    Love despite all the difficulties
    Jeannette meets with her parents and has a heartwarming conversation. It was clear she loved them. Her dad died 2 weeks later. A year after Rex died, Jeannette got a divorce.
  • Family reunion

    Family reunion
    5 years after Rex’s death, the family got together for Thanksgiving. Maureen was not there. Jeannette was remarried. They toasted to their father and told stories.