The Glass Castle

  • Jeannette Burns Herself

    Jeannette Burns Herself
    At age 3, while attempting to cook herself hotdogs over the stove, Jeannette accidentally set her dress on fire. She suffered serious burns and had to spend six weeks in the hospital before her father ran out with her to avoid paying the hospital bills.
  • Jeannette Falls Out of the Car

    Jeannette Falls Out of the Car
    While on the road again, the family was passing through a small town when they took a sharp turn and Jeannette fell out of the car. Her dad was driving with a bottle of beer in his hand and it took a long time before they came back for her.
  • Maureen is Born

    Maureen is Born
    Maureen was born when Jeannette was seven, and her family was living in Blythe. Shortly after, they decided to pick up and move to Battle Mountain. They rented a U-Haul truck and had the kids ride in the back, leaving them in charge of the baby. Even with a newborn, the family still moved around and took risks.
  • Grandma Smith Dies, They Move to Phoenix

    Grandma Smith Dies, They Move to Phoenix
    When Grandma Smith passed away, she left the family her house in Phoenix. The family moved to Phoenix, where Rex got a job as an electrician and the kids enrolled in school.
  • Jeannette Asks Rex to Stop Drinking

    Jeannette Asks Rex to Stop Drinking
    For her 10th birthday, Jeannette asked her father if he could stop drinking. He obliged and went through serious withdrawal symptoms.
  • The Family Moves to Welch

    The Family Moves to Welch
    Once again needing to flee town, the Walls family decides to move to Rex's hometown, Welch, where they move in with Jeannette's grandparents.
  • An Awful Winter

    An Awful Winter
    After finding out that Brian, Jeannette's younger brother was being sexually abused by their grandparents, the family moved out of that house and into a small house with no plumbing and no heat. Rex resumes drinking.
  • Jeannette is Fed Up

    Jeannette is Fed Up
    When her dad breaks into their piggy bank and steals money, Jeannette realizes that enough is enough. Her older sister Lori graduated high school and moved to New York, while Jeannette got a job and began raising money so she could follow her.
  • Jeannette Moves to New York

    Jeannette Moves to New York
    During her senior year of high school, Jeannette moved to New York. She got a job as a journalist and began making a life for herself. The family split apart, with her mother and father becoming homeless and her other siblings splitting off and creating their own lives as she did.
  • Jeannette Writes 'The Glass Castle'

    Jeannette Writes 'The Glass Castle'
    After creating a life for herself, advancing her career, and getting married, Jeannette decided to write an autobiography of sorts to share her story.