Photo on 11 27 12 at 2.26 pm

The Girl Who Survived

  • Bronia's Birth

    Bronia's Birth
    This is when Bronia Brandman, the main character, was born. She was born in her grandfather's house. His name was Eliasz Mandelbaurn. Also, Bronia was the fourth child in her family to be born.
  • New Law

    New Law
    At this time they created a new law. The law was that if you are a jew you can not sit on a park bench or own a pet dog.
  • Another Law

    Another Law
    At this time they created another law. The law was that jews and non-jews have to be separated.The law included that jews could not marry non-jews,jews and non-jews could not have children together, and jews did not have a germany citizenship anymore. Eventually this law spread out over almost all of Europe.
  • School

    This was Bronia's first day of school. The bad thing is that her teacher hated jews. That meant that every day during recess she would hang out across the street because the teacher taught the students to also hate jews.
  • Bronia's Uncle

    Bronia's Uncle
    On this date Bronia's parents noticed that the situation in Jaworzno was changing very fast, definitely not for the better.They decided that it would be better to move to one of Bronia's uncles. His house was in Mielec. Everyone went except for her father and her brother, Mendek.
  • The Nazi's Round Up

    The Nazi's Round Up
    At this time the Nazi's started to round up jews. The round ups were always a surprise which made it hard to escape. Most of the time it took place on jewish holidays. Sometimes you got lucky and they let you go. Other times they sent them to slave-labor camps or forced labor in the coal mines.
  • Back In Jaworzno

    Back In Jaworzno
    In Jaworzno things weren't so good. The Nazi's broke into the store that Bronia's dad owned. Then, they forced him and Mendek down in the basement and made them face the wall. Next, they made her father hold his hands in the air while they pointed a gun at him and threatened to shoot. Finally, they started to laugh and let them go.
  • End of School for Some

    End of School for Some
    During this time jewish children were no longer allowed to go to school with others. Also, if jews were walking on the street and someone else found them they could be arrested.
  • Germany's Invasion in Poland

    Germany's Invasion in Poland
    On this date the Nazi's began to kill a lot of the jews.They killed more than six million jews, including more than one and a half million children.
  • Juden, Raus, Raus, Schnell, Schnell

    Juden, Raus, Raus, Schnell, Schnell
    At this time the Nazi's went to every house banging on their doors. They kept screaming "Juden, raus, raus, schnell, schnell,". In English it actually means jews, out, out, fast, fast. If someone did not leave their house they would be shot. They gathered most of the men and locked them in a house. After that they poured gasoline all over the sides of the house they lit it on fire. If any of the men tried to brake through the windows they would be shot.
  • German Soldiers

    German Soldiers
    One time a few german soldiers marched into Bronia's house. They ordered everyone to make a line and go outside while they pointed a gun at them.While her family started walking outside Bronia took a risk of running back and hiding behind the front door. They didn't notice her which meant she was save for now. After a month or two her family finally returned.
  • Bronia's Life As a Smuggler

    Bronia's Life As a Smuggler
    On this date Bronia's family decided that she would be a smuggler. They decided that she would be a smuggler because she had dirty blonde hair and a petite nose which did not make her look like a jew at all. The only thing was that every jew had to wear a big yellow star that says Jude. To hide it she put a shawl over her clothes. Every time she want out she traded a piece of cloth for some food. Believe it or not they actually believed that she was a Christian peasant girl.
  • Mila

    This is when Mila was sent to a forced labor-camp, instead Mendek went because he volunteered. The camp was in Bavaria, Germany.
  • Bronia's Parents

    Bronia's Parents
    On this date there was another round-up. This time the only people that got away was Mila and Bronia's two baby sisters. The Nazi's took her, Tulek, and her parents to the area where they took all of the jews. Bronia heard her mother say "Go now,". Then, Bronia looked over and saw the intensity in her eyes. Her mother made sure that Bronia knew that they were most likely not going to see each other ever again. Finally, Bronia ran for it with out any one knowing.
  • Farmer

    Once Bronia's parents were taken she went to her only family friend. She asked him if her and her sisters could stay. He said sure knowing that if he siad no that they would be taken away. He also knew that if someone found him sheltering a jew they would both be taken away.
  • Auschwitz

    After a while the Germans rounded a big bunch of people. The bunch included Bronia, Mila, and Bronia's two younger sisters. After they gathered everyone they crammed all of them in a train. Once they got off of the train they were ordered to make four lines boys, men, girls, and women. Bronia knew that all of the girls were going to be killed and that was the line she was in. At the last second she darted to the line full of women. She betrayed her younger sisters and went with Mila.
  • Loss Of Identity

    Loss Of Identity
    Once Bronia got to her camp she had to shave off her hair, wear wooden clogs and a very long tattered dress, and get a tatoo which had her identity number. Her identity number was 52643. It was all done in blue ink and it had a triangle under her number that marked her as a jew.
  • Itinerant Tutor

    Itinerant Tutor
    For a few years after they closed the schools for jewish children Bronia was not being educated. Eventually, she was able to get a private tutor. Her tutor was jewish like her because for jewish people it was hard to get a job even if you were qualified.
  • Mila's Illness

    Mila's Illness
    During this time Mila and Bronia were freezing. It was so freezing that it made Mila ill. She had to go to the barracks which is for people that are sick. Bronia did not want her to go alone so she went along with her. While she was there she met a fourty -year old woman. She pretty much loved Bronia like her own daughter. One day Bronia got chosen to have to go to an area where jews are killed. The woman helped Bronia and made sure that she would not be going. Thankfully she didn't have to go!
  • Empty Camps

    Empty Camps
    The Nazis decided that they wanted to empty out the camps at this time. That meant that everyone had to leave on feet. If you started walking slowly you were shot. The bad thing is I was sick at that time and I could barely walk. Thankfully I had the fourty-year old woman right beside me. She helped me by dragging me all the way to her house.
  • The End of The War

    The End of The War
    This is when the war in Europe ended. It was also when they found out that Hitler commited suicide. The worst part about it was that it was to late to save millions of innocent people.
  • After The War

    After The War
    Once the war was over Bronia started getting cozy at her friends house. One day her cousin knocked on the door and asked to see Bronia. Bronia ran to the door and decided to start living with him.