The Gilded Age

  • Bessemer process discovered

    Bessemer process discovered
    The Bessemer Process was the first cheap industrial process for make steel.
  • Oil in Pennsylvania

    Oil in Pennsylvania
  • Period: to

    Oil in Pennsylvania

    In 1859, Edwin Drake dug the first mechanical oil well in Titusville, PA.
  • Homestead Act

    Homestead Act
    A citizen could own a 168 acres, but they had to work and stay on the land for five year.
  • National Labor Union started

    National Labor Union started
    People wanted high wages and work less.
  • Typewriter Invented

    Typewriter Invented
    The typewriter allowed women to have jobs.The typewriter was invented by Sholes
  • Air Brake invented

    Air Brake invented
    Having the Air Brake allowed 300,000 citizens to habve jobs in Pittsburg.
  • Transcontinental Railroad Built

    Transcontinental Railroad Built
    Poplated the inner regions.
  • Standard Oil Company started

    Standard Oil Company started
    The Standard Oil Company was United States oil which helped companies produce, transport, and refine.
  • Statue of Liberty

    Statue of Liberty
    The Statue of Liberty was a gift from France. France put the year of 20th of October 28, 1886.
  • Telephone invented

    Telephone invented
    The telephone was a wired base invention. It increased communication.
  • B and O Railroad Strike

    B and O Railroad Strike
    The goal for this strke was to increase wages for the people. It started on July 14 and ended about 45 days later.
  • Phonogragh invented

    Phonogragh invented
    The Phonogragh recorded and reproduced sound.
  • Light Bulb invented

    Light Bulb invented
    Thomas Edison invented a new and improved filament.
  • Haymarket Square Riot

    Haymarket Square Riot
    At the Haymarket Square Riot throw a bomb at a police man.
  • Gospel of Wealth published

    Gospel of Wealth published
    The Gospel expains the new upper class of self made rich.
  • Forest Reserve Act

    Forest Reserve Act
    The Act allowed the President to sat aside forest for the public.
  • Homestead Strike

    Homestead Strike
    The Strike was a fight against the strikers and private securtity agents. Occured in Pittsburg.
  • Pullman Strike

    Pullman Strike
    The Strike shut down nations freight and passenger traffic
  • Carnegie Sells to J.P. Morgan

    Carnegie Sells to J.P. Morgan
    The largest business deal.
  • Standard Oil dissolved by Supreme Court

    Standard Oil dissolved by Supreme Court
    The First time the United States saw monopoly break up.