The Gerosha Chronicles Vol. 1: Origins BC to 1000 AD

  • 4004 BCE

    Original Creation

    Creation of Earth
  • Period: 4004 BCE to 34


    Time before the Great Divergency generated the Multiverse.
  • 4003 BCE

    Fall of Mankind

    Events in Genesis 3, as Luminarod seeks his revenge for expulsion from Heaven. Birth of the Adamaic Curse.
  • 4003 BCE

    War in Heaven

    Kritchobol rebels against Heaven, impales Velithia, transforms her into Cherinob.
  • 2242 BCE

    Tower of Babel incident

    Nimrod invents Globalism; it's dealt a blow. He swears revenge.
  • 2240 BCE

    Abrujan handed the Abdygalis

    To thwart the monstrosities Nimrod creates with demonic assistance.
  • 2236 BCE

    BEPs are born.

    Abrujan's carelessness leads to the Abdygalis shattering. Barely-Explicable Phenomena scatter throughout the universe. Generation of all power relics throughout the Dozerfleet Megaverse.
  • 1868 BCE

    Senusret III vs. Cherinob

    Cherinob rescues a small child from a horde of demons in ancient Egypt, as well as an abusive slaveowner. Her manifest is deemed dangerous, and the pharaoh orders her executed, unaware she's an angel.
  • 30

    Ascension of Christ

    After the "Great Once and For All Sacrifice" takes place, Abdygalan instability in the universe becomes too great.
  • 34

    The Divergency

    The universe is divided into multiple copies of itself, with three notable main timelines: Gerosha, Dromedia, and Eccentria.
  • 35

    Gerosha Multiverse

    Gerosha continuity further splits into several timelines, each with its own Marlquaan. Some are Percolation Wave sensitive, others not. G7.0 and G7.2.1 timelines are most significant.
  • Period: 35 to


    Time from the Divergency happening to current last recorded Gerosha continuity in Earth-G7.
  • 61

    Birth of Zeras

    The future Lord Zeras of Metheel is born in ancient Rome on March 4th.
  • 64

    Catalina is born.

    Zeras' future wife born on March 19th.
  • 68

    Markus Mortikus born.

    Zeras' mortal enemy born on March 8th.
  • 95

    Zeras enslaved on wealthy estate

    Zeras is enslaved on Feb. 12th.
  • 95

    Zeras and Catalina meet.

    On March 14th, a month and two days later, Zeras and Catalina meet.
  • 95

    Zeras and Catalina fall in love

    By July 9th, Zeras and Catalina profess their feelings for one another; are met with outside resistance.
  • Period: 95 to 120

    The Tragedy of Lord Zeras

    Main sequence of events in "The Tragedy of Lord Zeras" happens between 95 and 120 AD.
  • 96

    Death of Catalina

    On July 2nd, Zeras and Catalina are captured by Markus. He tortures them and murders Catalina, leading to Zeras adopting "Decolarent eam, eviscerate eum."
  • 96

    The First Marlquaanite

    On July 3rd, after escaping from and killing Markus, Zeras flees authorities and is struck in a Marlquaan storm, which grants him powers and sends him to Metheel.
  • 96

    Discovery of Phaeleel

    Zeras discovers Phaleel in August of 96 AD.
  • 96

    Carpathine declared

    After studying the movements of Carpathine in September, Zeras concludes it is not Earth's sun, but another star entirely.
  • 96

    Zeran taxonomy

    In October, Zeras studies the differences between Earth flora and fauna versus those on Phaeleel and Metheel.
  • 96

    Catalopolis founded

    Named after Catalina, Zeras founds the capital of Metheel to be Catalopolis in November of 96.
  • 96

    Zeras and Catalina exiled, pursued

    Catalina's family declares the couple must die. Markus Mortikus is sent after them on June 23rd.
  • 96

    Zeras and Catalina marry

    The couple marry in secret on June 11th.
  • Period: 97 to 110

    Zeras' Revenge

    The founding of Metheel as a nation-world, revenge on Catalina's killers, and rescue of others across the Roman Empire.
  • 120

    Death of Zeras

    Lord Zeras dies on February 18th of 120 AD.
  • 120

    Zeras a patron saint

    Zeras becomes a patron saint of sorts by reason of developing Meethlite Christendom on March 23rd.
  • Period: 120 to

    Feud of Three Worlds

    The struggle of power that develops between Phaelites, Meethlites, and the factions of both battling for the fate of Earth's geo-politics has its roots from the death of Zeras to just before the First World War.
  • 243

    Birth of the Hebbleskin Order

    The rebellious Hebbleskin Order forms around May, adopting Neo-Nimrodian ideology and fascinated with the rapid technological advancements in Meethlite society. Zeran portal and wardrobe tech also developed in November.
  • 258

    Abdygalis Shards known to still exist

    By April 11th, these shards are discovered to exist on Phaeleel, Metheel, and Earth. One on Phaeleel, one on Metheel, five on Earth.
  • 871

    Marlquaanite Rubies discovered on Earth

    And thus begins an arms race for them.