The German invasion of the Netherlands Timeline Dylan Miller

  • Germany invades Poland

    Germany invades Poland
    On September 1, 1939, Germany invaded Poland.
  • The U.K. and France declare war on Germany

    The U.K. and France declare war on Germany
    The U.K. and France declare war on Germany two days after Germany invaded Poland, since they were both allies with Poland.
  • The Dutch government issues martial law

    The Dutch government issues martial law
    Sensing that war was going to happen, on April 1, 1940 the Dutch government issued martial law, as well as extending the length of soldier's time in the army and preventing anyone in the army from leaving.
  • Germany invades The Netherlands

    Germany invades The Netherlands
    On May 10, 1940, Germany invaded The Netherlands, Belgium and Luxembourg in order to get past French Defenses at the Maginot Line. Germany lied and said, as a justification to invade The Netherlands, that France and the United Kingdom planned to attack Germany from the Netherlands. German soldiers were surprised to find that no Allied soldiers were in The Netherlands when they attacked.
  • Germany issues ultimatum to Dutch forces at Rotterdam to surrender

    Germany issues ultimatum to Dutch forces at Rotterdam to surrender
    On May 14, 1940, the German Army issued an ultimatum to the Dutch at Rotterdam, telling them to surrender that afternoon or the city would be bombed. German bombers were already flying overhead before the afternoon was over, and by the end of the bombing, the homes of around 80,000 people were destroyed and nearly 1,000 civilians had lost their lives.
  • The Netherlands capitulates

    The Netherlands capitulates
    On May 15, 1940, The Netherlands capitulated. Queen Wilhelmina had already fled to the U.K. at this point.