The German invasion of the Netherlands

  • Germany Invades Poland

    Germany Invades Poland
  • France and the UK declare WWll

    France and the UK declare WWll
  • Dutch government proclaimed Martial Law

    Dutch government proclaimed Martial Law
  • German Army invades Netherlands

    German Army invades Netherlands
  • The Grebbe Line falls.

    The Grebbe Line falls.
  • Germany bombed Rotterdam (600-900 Dead)

    Germany bombed Rotterdam (600-900 Dead)
  • General Winemaker signed the Copulation Agreement

    General Winemaker signed the Copulation Agreement
  • Netherlands surrendered to the Germans, they ruled the land for the next 5 years.

    Netherlands surrendered to the Germans, they ruled the land for the next 5 years.
  • Hitler takes Paris and walks with his entourage near the Effel Tower.

    Hitler takes Paris and walks with his entourage near the Effel Tower.