The German Invasion of the Netherlands

  • War in Europe

    War in Europe
    The German Army invaded Poland. 2 days later, England and France, both allies of Poland, declared war on Germany.
    - The second world war had started
    - This peroid was called the 'Phoney War' because it was clear to all parties that things would not end there.
  • Strategic Intrest of the Netherlands

    Strategic Intrest of the Netherlands
    The Belgian army got hold of the German attack plans when a German aircraft made an emergency landing in Belgium.
    - Hitler decided to postpone the attack (subsequent bad weather conditions caused the attack to be postponed several times after that)
  • Failed Attack on the Hauge

    Failed Attack on the Hauge
    Paratroopers descended and German planes dropped soldiers, who hoped for a victory by taking Queen Wilhemina and the government hostage. The plan failed thanks to the fierce opposition of the Dutch soldiers and blunders made on the German side,
  • Queen Wilhelmina Flees to England

    Queen Wilhelmina Flees to England
    • The Germans advanced further.
    • The Cabinet flet that Queen Wilhelmina should flee, her safety was at stake. She inititally didn't want to go, but she was forced to leave. A warship took her to England where the British king received her.
    • Some people criticised the Queen for fleeing and calling her a coward. However the Queen would prove to be an important symbol of the fight against the Nazi's.
  • Fight and Chaos

    Fight and Chaos
    One of the evacuted cities was Brade. Tens of thousands of people left the city on foot, packed wih their bolongings. Some people were killed as a result of the ariel comart over the area.
  • Germany Occupies Western Europe

    Germany Occupies Western Europe
    In the summer of 1940, almost all of western Europe was under German control. The surrounding countries either stayed out of the war were German allies.
  • The Netherlands is Neutral

    The Netherlands is Neutral
    The principle of Dutch foreign policy was neutrality, as it had been for a century.
    - The Netherlands had avoided getting involved in internationsl conflicts and would only take sides when attacked. (This strategy worked fine during the first world war)
    - The Dutch government was careful not to take an official stand on the situation in Nazi.
    - This resulted in some awkward situations with Dutch people who criticised politics of Adolf Hitler being prosecuted for insulting 'friends head of state'
  • Why DId the Netherlands Lose the Battle?

    Why DId the Netherlands Lose the Battle?
    The Netherlands were well prepared for war, but its neutralist policy was an obstacle, it made it impossible to copperate with England and France on a proper defense strategy.
    - The Netherlands did not have the strong military tradition Germany did. The Dutch carried out a number of successful military actions. Unfortunately, the army often lacked the overview and so failed to turn small successes into big victories.
  • Preparing for the German Attack

    Preparing for the German Attack
    The governement even proclaimed martial law. This allowed them to censor sensitive military information to arrest persons who were considered a risk to national security.
    - The Dutch government had begun to anticipate the German attack. Soldiers were kept in service for a longer peroid of time and all leave was cancelled.
    - The Dutch population was unaware of most government measures. The government tried not to raise the alarm and called on the population to 'stay calm'.
  • The German Invasion of the Netherlands

    The German Invasion of the Netherlands
    The German army invaded the Netherlands. It was the start of 5 days of fighting that resulted in the accupation of the Netherlands.
  • Preparing for the German Attack

    Preparing for the German Attack
    German paratroopers land in the Netherlands.
  • Germany Invade the Netherlands

    Germany Invade the Netherlands
    In the early morning, Dutch observers saw bombs from the German Luftwaffle flying in the direction of the North Sea.
    - Once over the sea, the planes made 180-degree turns and flew back to attack the Netherlands. The Netherlands were at war.
  • Germay Successes

    Germay Successes
    The line of defence consisted partly of floodeeed land, tempoarily slowed down the invaders, even so the Gribble Line fell.
    - The German armies also attacked the Netherlands in the South, there the Dutch blew up bridges to try and slow the German Advance.
  • The Bombing of Rotterdam

    The Bombing of Rotterdam
    German general Schnidt presented the Dutch commanded with an ultimatum. Unless Rotterdam surrendered that same afternoon, the city would be bombed.
    - Even before the ultimatum had expired, the German bombers appeared in the horizion. They dropped their bombs over the city centre. When the smoke cleared, 80,000 people had lost their homes and between 600 and 900 people had died.
  • Capitulation of the Netherlands

    Capitulation of the Netherlands
    In a school building in Rijscord, General Winkelman signed the capitulation agreement.
    - Things were different for the Jewish population. Some of them had fled Germany in the 1930s, and now they were being overtaken by the Nazis. In the moths after the invasion, hundreds of Jews committed sucide.
  • Capitulation of the Netherlands

    Capitulation of the Netherlands
    The Germans instaleed a new administration, lead by Reich Commissioner Arthur Seyss-Inquart, an Austruan Nazi.