The German Invasion Of The Netherlands

  • War in Europe

    War in Europe
    The Nazi German army invaded Poland
  • The Second World War

    The Second World War
    France and England declare war on Nazi Germany, beginning the second world war.
  • Preparing for the German attack

    Preparing for the German attack
    The Netherlands had been anticipating a Nazi attack for a while now. All military leave was canceled and Contracts started to last longer in the military.
  • The war in the Netherlands begins

    The war in the Netherlands begins
    German paratroopers land in the Netherlands
  • The bombing of Rotterdam

    The bombing of Rotterdam
    The Nazi Luftwaffe bomb Rotterdam causing 80,000 people to lose their homes. Between 600 to 900 of which were killed in the bombings.
  • Capitulation of the Netherlands

    Capitulation of the Netherlands
    The Netherlands surrender because the Nazis threatened to bomb Utrecht as well and they realized that their situation was hopeless
  • The defeat of the West

    The defeat of the West
    By the summer of 1940, Nazi Germany occupies almost all of western Europe