The German invasion of the Netherlands

  • Period: to

    The Jewish people escape

    The Jewish people escaped Germany due to the anti jew propaganda and fear of the Nazi government.
  • Invasion of Poland

    Invasion of Poland
    The German army invaded Poland and its allies, England and France declared war on Germany
  • Nazi Control

    Nazi Control
    By the summer of 1940 almost all of the west side of Europe was under German occupation
  • Emergency Landing in Belgium

    Emergency Landing in Belgium
    The Belgian army got hold of the German attack plans when a German aircraft made an emergency landing in Belgium in early 1940.
  • Preparing for the German Attack

    Preparing for the German Attack
    The Dutch government prepared for a German attack. soldiers were kept for longer periods of time and leave was canceled.
  • Netherlands Invasion

    Netherlands Invasion
    Germany invaded and took control of the Netherlands
  • The Bombing of Rotterdam

    The Bombing of Rotterdam
    German General Schmidt presented the Dutch command with an ultimatum. If they did not surrender the city would be bombed
  • Hitler visit Paris

    Hitler visit Paris
    On June 23, 1940, after Paris was under german occupation Hitler visits the Eiffel Tower.
  • The Netherlands are Neutral

    The Netherlands are Neutral
    The Netherlands declared neutrality after the first world war.