
The German Expansion 1937 - 1940

By katmel
  • Power fall

    Power fall
    Austria and Czechoslovakia (German speaking counties) fall under Hitlers power. Hitler used to his advantage the conflict between Catholics and Socialists in Austria. Hitler voted a nazi into office in Austria which caused them to be in contol of Germany. When Austria gained power Czechoslovakia bacame scared and signed a treaty withRussia which caused Hitler to go over the top and attack Russia.
  • Complete evil

    Complete evil
    Germany and Austrias union was complete.
    - Anschluss : union between Austria and Germany which Hitler demanded
    - Hitler befriended Mussolini and to get his way promised not to touch Italy and because of this promise Mussolini, the one who was protecting Austria let it fall from being independent right into Germany's hands
  • Munich Agreement

    Munich Agreement
    The Munich Agreement was signed by
    - Germany - United Kingdom - France -Italy
    - Hitler assures that he would not invade any other European lands if they give Germany full control over Czechoslovakia's Sudetenland
  • Reichskristallnacht

    reichskristallnacht = "night of broken glass"
    -Thousands of Jewish homes, shopes, towns and building were attacked and destroyed
    - over one thousand Jewish synagogues were destroyed
    - about 400 jews were killed
    - 30,000 Jews out of a total population of 490,000 were taken to Hitlers concentration camps A quote from survivor of concentration camp :
    "You are not in a sanatorium but in a crematorium.... The SS have the right to at shoot you whenever they want"
  • Czechoslovakia is ditched

    Czechoslovakia is ditched
    Slovakia, Carpatho-Ukraine declaire independence from Czechoslovakia.
  • Czechoslovakia falls under

    Czechoslovakia falls under
    Since Czechoslovakia was left by itself the german troops poured into what remained of the country
    - this lead to Hitler directing his next attack towards Poland
  • Hitler Reveals Why

    Hitler Reveals Why
    In 1939, Adolf Hitler starts beginning why Germany is in desperate need of his assistants .
    Hitler stated Poland will attack Germany hard and they need a leader like him.
    If Germany does not follow him he believed a two-front war would result.
  • Soviet steps up to help

    Soviet steps up to help
    The Soviet Union offers Soviet-Britain-French Reunion which would guarantee the integrity of Poland
    - unproductive
  • German-Russian non-aggression pact

    German-Russian non-aggression pact
    • Secret groups (Romania, Poland, Lithuania, Latvia, Estonia and Finland) the devided Europe into so called " spheres" of influence between soviets and nazi power
    • Assured the Soviet Union would not take part in the European war
  • Stalins' Surprise

    Stalins' Surprise
    Stalin Surprises all the other countries by signing the Nonagression Pact with Hitler. This said that neither leader would attack eachother. Therefore a two-front war was elimanted. In addition, the Soviet Union signed a second, secret pact. This said that Poland would be divided between them.
  • Military gains

    Military gains
    British-Polish Join the military
  • September Campaign

    September Campaign
    Germany attacks Poland full on,
    The Soviet Union also attacks Poland from the east, they took a part of their land.
    In the end, Poland could no longer be found.
    This can be determined as the start of World War II.
  • Tbles are turned

    Tbles are turned
    France, Britain, Common wealth declare war with Germany
  • Red Army invades Poland

    Red Army invades Poland
    Soviets advance to the Polish demorcation line
  • Soviets and Germany unite

    Soviets and Germany unite
    Poland is dismembered - The Soviet and German military take over parts of Poland.
  • Weserübung

    Germany occupies Demark and norway during WWII.
  • Germany attacks

    Germany attacks
    Germany attacks the West.
  • Compiègne Forest

    Compiègne Forest
    Armistice between Germany and France first suggested by French Government. Compiègne Forest was where the Armistice of the 1918 Great War was decided. Hitler used it as a type of allusion because that is were Germany during the cold war was embarassed.
    - Marshal Phillippe Petain - controlled the North of France
    - Charles de Gaulle - French General - fled to England and set a govenment up there in exile
  • Battle of Britain

    Battle of Britain
    • Germans assemble to attack along the French coast they are unseuccessful do to naval power
    • RAF - Britains royal air force
    • Aprox. 2000 planes flew over Britain for 2 solid months, london was pelted with bombs = Battle of Britain
    • RAF fights back brutaily
  • German goes down

    German goes down
    • RAF shot down over 185 German planes -only lost 26 air crafts -both bomed each other
  • Mussolini enters war

    Mussolini enters war
    Mussolini thinks the French war is because of a big disagreement of religious and governmental fueds so he joins war against France.