The French Wars of Religion

  • Jan 1, 1562

    First War of Religion

    The first war begins after the edict of toleration in 1562. The war ends March 1563 to the treaty of Amboise.
  • Period: Jan 25, 1562 to Aug 30, 1570

    Early wars

  • Jan 1, 1567

    Second war of religion

    War begins after huguenots capture several towns. This war ends march 1568 with the Edict of Longjumeau.
  • Sep 1, 1568

    Third War of Religion

    Starts in 1568. Ends August 1570 with Edict vof St. Germain.
  • Jan 1, 1572

    St. Bartholomews Day Massacre and Fourth war of religon

    St. Bartholomews Day Massacre and Fourth war of religon
    A plot that plans to origonally assassinate important huguenot leaders turns into a wave of catholic violence, leading to more than 3,000 huguenots dead in the course of a few days. This starts the 4th war of religion.
  • Jan 1, 1575

    Fifth War

    When The Duke of Alenconflees form the royal court, he starts the fifth war of religion. The peace of Monsieur ends the war, leading to the forming of the Catholic league.
  • Mar 1, 1577

    Sixth War

    Nothing major occurs during this war. It ends with the Peace Bergerac.
  • Jan 1, 1580

    Sevent War

    Brief seventh war.. Ends with treaty of Nerac and Peace of fleix.
  • Henri of Navarre Becomes Heir to the Throne. Joinville Treaty.

    Protestant Henry of Navarre becomes the heir to the French Throne. The Guise family signs the treaty of Joinville with Spain, allowing the Catholic Legue help from the Spanish.
  • Henry III Bans Protestantism

    With the Treaty of Nemoours, Henry III Bans protestantism.
  • Period: to

    War of The Three Henrys

  • Henry III Surrenders

    Henri de Guise and The Catholic League force Henry III to surrender. De Guise then has Henry III place him in charge of all troops, and make it illegal for a non-Catholic to rule France. Henry III then arranges the assassination of de Guise and his brother.
  • Henry III Lays Siege to Paris

    Henry III unsuccessfully lays siege to Catholic League-controlled Paris after allying with th Huguenots. He is later assassinated and Henri of Navarre is named his Successor. He becomes known as Henri IV.
  • Henri IV Converts

    Henry IV converts to Catholicism, is Crowned king of France in Chartres, and enters Paris unapposed. He converted to help end the wars and win the approval of many French citizens.
  • Henry Declares War

    Henry IV declares was on Spain and it's ally, the Catholic League.
  • Period: to

    War Between Henry IV and Spain

  • Edict of Nantes.

    Henry IV issues the edict of nantes, which, to a large extent, ended the French Wars of Religion. This granted the Huguenots religous toleration, while taking away a few of their rights.
  • Henry IV Defeats Spain

    The war between Henry IV and Spain ends with the treaty of Vervins.