
The French Revolution Timeline

  • Establishment of the New Constitution

    Establishment of the New Constitution
  • Louis XIV calls the Estates General

    Louis XIV calls the Estates General
    King Louis XIV called the first estates meeting since 1614 in 1789, due to the French Governments financial problems.
  • Writing of the Declaration of the Rights of Men

    Writing of the Declaration of the Rights of Men
    The Marquis de Lafayette, and Thomas Jefferson composed The Declaration of the Rights of Men. It was presented to the National assembly on July 11, 1789. The draft was finally accepted, after much revision between August 20-26 of 1789.
  • Parisians Storm the Bastille

    Parisians Storm the Bastille
    The Parisians stormed the Bastille to get ammunition and arms. At the time 30,000 pounds of gunpowder was stored there. This event was so important because it was the start of the French Revolution and the eventual fall of the French monarchy.
  • March in Versailles

    March in Versailles
    When the women marched to Versailles for bread. The bread was very overpriced and the women were not going to put up with it anymore. They killed 2 guards and put their heads on sticks
  • The Royals trying to escape Paris

    The Royals trying to escape Paris
    They were trying to escape to Varennes but they were caught and this caused a lot of distrust between the King and their citizens
  • Execution of the King and Queen/ Beginning of the Reign of Terror

    Execution of the King and Queen/ Beginning of the Reign of Terror
    After a two day trial of Marie Antoinette, she was convicted of high treason, and was executed by a guillotine. This marked the beginning of the reign of terror. The reign of terror began to purge France and protect them from foreign invaders.
  • The execution of Robespierre

    The execution of Robespierre
    They killed him after the Reign of terror because they were tired of his dictatorship and tranny.
  • Napoleon Overthrows the Directory

    Napoleon Overthrows the Directory
    “In 1799, after several defeats, French victories in the Netherlands and Switzerland restored the French military position, but the Directory had lost the support of all the political factions.” When Napoleon returned from Egypt he carried out a parliamentary coup that overthrew the directory.
  • Napoleon Builds an Empire

    Napoleon Builds an Empire
    Napoleon built a very large French empire and also rewrote the entire map of Europe. He brought the Netherlands, and Belgium, as well as parts of Italy and Germany into France.
  • Napoleon Invades Russia

    Napoleon Invades Russia
    In 1812 Napoleon raised a massive army of troops, to invade Russia. By June 24 the troops were in Russia. It is said that 650,000 of Napoleons soldiers fought against 200,000 Russian soldiers.
  • The Congress of Vienna

    The Congress of Vienna
    An assembly in 1814- 1815 that reorganized Europe after the Napoleonic wars. The conference was called to create a balance of European powers and to prevent future wars and maintain peace in Europe.
  • Napoleon Defeated at Waterloo

    Napoleon Defeated at Waterloo
    The Battle of Waterloo, in which the British and Prussian forces over threw Napoleon, marked the end of his reign and of France's domination in Europe. Napoleons troops attacked Strongly against the British, but they had to retreat when they Prussians came. This is how Napoleons career as a military leader ended.