The French Revolution- Main Events

  • Estates-General Debt Discussion

    The French Estates-General discusses mounting debts in France (first time in one hundred seventy five years)
  • Declaration of National Assembly

    Declaration of National Assembly
    National Assembly, the Assembly of the Nation, is declared by the third estate.
  • Fall of the Bastille

    Fall of the Bastille
    The Fall of the Bastille, the third estate revolted against the Bastille Prison; they burnt it down in protest to the inhumane treatment offered to the prisoners.
  • The Jacobin Club

    The Jacobin Club
    The Jacobin Club is formed; the most radical and ruthless of the political groups formed in the wake of the French Revolution, “Nobles in National Assembly renounce feudal rights”.
  • Rights of a Man

    The declarations of the Right of a Man were created. They are the important document that justifies human and civil rights. Passed by France's National Constituent Assembly in August
  • Woman's March

    King Louis is brought from Versailles to a palace in Paris named Tuileries, armed women (over 7,000) marched from Paris to Versailles, protesting over low income, even though they worked.
  • The Constitution is Published

    The Constitution is Published
    Elections are held; the National Assembly issues Constitution!
  • War- France vs. Austria

    War- France vs. Austria
    France Legislative Assembly declares war between Prussia and Austria. They believed they could achieve unity through war, also wanted to spread Revolutionary ideas throughout Europe.
  • The Republic of France

    Convention finally erases the Monarchy and declares a Republic, this leads to the execution of the absolute monarch; King Louis.
  • Vendee Revolt

    Vendee Revolt
    Vendee counter-revolutionary revolt initiates; revolt against their lack of involvement in the Revolution
  • End of King Louis XVI

    The Convention condemns King Louis and executes him for failure of leadership, sabotage, and betrayal. He was pressed with thirty-three charges.