The French Revolution

  • Napoleon's Military records

    Napoleon's Military records
    As Napoleon was sent to fight the Austrian French wars in Northern Italy, the victory lied with the French and Napoleon evicted their enemies from the country. And, with more marching through/ towards the Vienna (The French armies), the Austrians decided to assign a treaty with France. This battle led to the first temporary alliance towards the French.
  • King Louis XVI assembles the Three Estates

    Facing crippling debt, the monarch of France, King Louis XVI assembles the Three Estates. Louis wishes to raise the taxes on the citizens of France, but law states that he can only do so with the approval of the Three Estates. However, what Louis did not predict was that the First Estate and the Second Estate would vote to only raise taxes on the Third Estate. This angers members of the Third Estate, who represent over 95 percent of the French population.
  • National Assembly

    Due from the unfair treatment from King Louis and the First and Second estate, the Third estate decided to make their own assembly, which wasn't in form of the estates, but in form of the people. When hearing about this, King Louis heard about what the assembly may bring, he tried to sabotage the National Assembly but failed to keep the form of the three estates separate, and with the Estates general, this became the form of the National assembly in 1789.
  • Constitutional Monarchy

    Constitutional Monarchy
    Was the first constitution of France, as it declared the rights of man of citizens. Forming of 'natural rights' as individuals were protected equally by law. As the National Assembly was made up of different branches, while being the legislative body of so, being divided into several groups. As the king allowed the veto to balance out, which was for the people's interest. And as the 'natural rights' were deprived from the women, also sided with the 'active' and the 'passive' citizens.
  • National Constituent Assembly

    National Constituent Assembly
    The National Assembly named itself the "National Constituent Assembly" on July 9th. And with the event of storming the Bastille on July 14th, the National Constituent Assembly became an effective government of France. During the election period, the number of Delegates increased, with many coming to France during late 1791. And as the assembly was in total with all three estates, or the clergy, nobles, and the commoners, as the commoners were seen at less value compared to the Clergy and Nobles.
  • Legislative Assembly

    Legislative Assembly
    Legislative Assembly, consisting of 745 members, most from the middle class, and as most were young and haven't been the previous assembly, this newer one lacked the knowledge or reasoning in political terms. And with King Louis constantly vetoed degrees with the Assembly, and upon the war of Austria, this caused a major lift off for the two sides.
  • Napoleon's marrige

    Napoleon's marrige
    Napoleon married Marie Josephe Rose Tascher de La Pagerie, daughter of a wealthy Creole family who owned a sugarcane plantation, and who had two children of a marriage that wasn't all successful. His family was shocked, and after the wedding, and the leave of Napoleon, due to the battle in Italy, his wife had affairs, and as the British got ahold of the letters, it wasn't the same afterwards.
  • The French Empire

    The five-member committee was in control of France for a couple of years, as one day the French military caused a disaster for the committee, led by Napoleon, ending their directory, as Napolean took the 'role' of the given powers of a dictator. And due to this, the amendments were strengthened, under Napolean's authority. And in 1804, Napoleon was titled emperor of the French.
  • Napoleon's rise to power

    The War of the second Coalition began with the French invasion of Egypt. Napoleon & his army made the victory possible against the Ottoman and Egyptian armies, which caused expansion for the French. Returning back from Egypt, Napoleon ended the 5 Man Directory, becoming the first Consul of France. In 1802, Napoleon set towards the Coalition, Austria & Russia weren't present, Britan found themselves at a lost, so, caused the war to end, and causing the rise of Napoleon's political career.
  • Napoleon as Emperor of France

    Napoleon as Emperor of France
    Napoleon gave himself title of France when he crowned himself at the "Cathedral of Notre Dame". Which, this 'title' showed that Napoleon was in control of the French people, the French nation, & the republic. As he 'established' the empire, he looked to achieve peace in Europe, against Britan & Russia. But, in July 1806, peace didn't remain long, so with the Rhine of the Confederation, it played a role as "protection upon loyalty", as he'll provide protection if the German states support France.
  • The battle of Austerliz

    The battle of Austerliz
    Battle of Austerliz was fought on December 2nd, 1805, as this was one of those most significant battles within the Napleonic wars. This battle was located near the town of the Austerliz. Napoleon, & total of around 68,000 men were against the Russian and Austrian by Tzar Alexander l and along with Emperor Francis ll. Allthough teamed against 2, Napoleon makes it through with a clear strategy with splitting both groups, having a greater advantage, leading a victory for the French, and Napoleon.
  • Battle of Borodino

    Battle of Borodino
    The battle of Borodino was Napoleon’s attempt to invade Russia. This battle took place about near the village of Borodino, in Moscow. Napoleon, with about 130,000 men, were against the Russian army, by General Kutuzov. The battle, although one of the largest battles, it was indeed one of the bloodiest single day battles between the French and the Russians. Although with a strategic plan, Napoleon faced a loss of men. But with enough force, Napoleon claimed Borodino, but he was severely weakened.
  • Battle of Leipzig

    The Battle of Leipzig, also known as the Battle of Nations, took place in Oct. 16th to Oct. 19th, near the city of Leipzig of now present day Germany. There was a major confrontation between Napoleon and a couple of European countries, being Prussia, Austria, and Russia. It involved hundreds, if not thousands of men from both sides, and was one of the largest battles. Which, led to the defeat of Napoleon, forcing him to retreat from Germany, a turning point & the end of the French domination.
  • Napoleon’s exile

    Upon Napoleon’s exile, to an island not far from France, called Elba, after he was taken from his power of France, based on the treaty of Fontainebleau, as his successors and his family wasn't able to gain the title of the 'monarch' of France. Although exiled, Napoleon was able to rule that small island. And while Napoleon was exiled, King Louis XVlll was placed onto the throne in 1814, also linked with the new constitution, the Charter of 1814.
  • Napoleon’s return/one hundred days

    Napoleon was able to escape the island of Elba, year 1815. When returning to France, he was welcomed by the military, which, was "sided" with the king. King Louis VXlll fled once again after realizing Napoleon was back, realizing with the little support of the political aspect, which this caused a chance for Napoleon to lead upon the throne once more. Which, this led to the aspect of the one hundred days, as he wasn't king for long, but, more for a "trial".
  • The Battle of Waterloo

    The Battle of Waterloo was the final battle of the French Revolution & was the last battle Napoleon ever fought in. The Battle of Waterloo was fought in present day Belgium. Napoleon’s French forces were outnumbered by the combined armies of the English and the Prussians, led by British officer, Duke of Wellington. When Napoleon was defeated, the French throne was once again given to King Louis XVIII. Napoleon was exiled to an island, Saint Helena where he died from natural causes years later.
  • The Holly Alliance

    The Holly Alliance
    The Holly Alliance was a 'coalition' created by Russia, Austria, and Prussia. It was established after the terrible defeat of Napoleon, as it was formed to instill the 'divine' rights of monarchs and religious values in European political life. An 'Quintuple' and/or 'Quadruple' alliance was made to prevent chaos of forming and for peace and balance, as it connected France and United Kingdom as it brought upon the congress of Vienna.