
The French Revolution and Napoleon

  • Estates General

    Estates General
    Louis XVI summoned the Estates General trying to reconduct the politicaland economic crisis.
    Nobles and clergy demanded1 vote per state and the Third Estate wanted 1 vote per person.
    Due to this unfair voting, the Third Estate abandoned the Esstates General and formed a National Assembly (the Tennis Court Oath)
  • The Storming of the Bastille

    The Storming of the Bastille
    The storming of the bastille consisted of storming the bastille which was the place where all the weapons were kept, the bastille represented a great authority. Is considered the symbol of the Revolution
  • First Constitution

    First Constitution
    It was enacted by the national assembly.
    Its main ideas were:
    -Division of power
    -Constitutional monarchy
    - Censitarian suffrage
  • Flight of Varennes

    Flight of Varennes
    King Louis XVI wanted to escape from France with his family, but was arrested and accused of treason.
  • Executive of Louis XVI and Marie Antoinette

    Executive of Louis XVI and Marie Antoinette
    The King was judge for treason and he was executed along with his wife
  • Robespierre as dictator

    Robespierre as dictator
    The First Coalition made many people think the revolution was in dannger. The Jacobins took advantage of this situation and took the power, and Robespierre became a dictator. His ruling was known as Reign of Terror. During this ten months, the Committee of Public Safety judged and executed more than 20000 peole by guillotine
  • Executive of Robespierre by guillotine

    Executive of Robespierre by guillotine
    Rbespierre lose support and moderate revolutionaries arrested and executive him by guillotine
  • New Constitution

    New Constitution
    The new moderate goverment (The Directory) created a new constitution with censitarian suffrage
  • Coup d'etat by Napoleon

    Coup d'etat by Napoleon
    He found that many people was dissatisfied with the Directory and with the help of troops loyal to him, he and two directors overthrew the goverment.
    And created the Consuate.
  • Consul for Life

    Consul for Life
    Napoleon Bonaporte names himself Consul for life
  • Napoleonic Code

    Napoleonic Code
    The Napoleonic Code was a new law, that wanted equal for everyone and based on the principles of the French Revolution.
    It had great influence in Europe during XIX century.
  • Named Emperor

    Named Emperor
    Napoleon Bonaparte was names himself First Emperor of France
  • Battle of Austerlitz

    Battle of Austerlitz
    The battle of Austerlitz enfront France against Austria and Russia.
    Napoleon defeat to Austria and Russia
  • Invaded Spain

    Invaded Spain
    Napoleon invaded Spain in 1808 and proclaimed to his brother Joseph (Pepe Botella), king of Spain.
  • Battle of Borodino

    Battle of Borodino
    Napoleon was defeat by Russia in 1812 in the Battle of Borodino.
    Napoleon sent an army of 500000 men to Russia in1812, after the winter, less than 100000 men returned to France.
  • Battle of Waterloo

    Battle of Waterloo
    In 1815 Napoleon were defeat by Great Britain and Prussia in the Battle of Waterloo.
    And as a consequence he was sent into exile to the Island of Saint Helena. Where in 1821 he died.