The French Revolution

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    National Constituent Assembly

    It was created by members of the Third Estate when they were excluded from the Estates General. The goal was to create a new constitution for France that included all the rights of the people. Several reforms were approved, such as the Declaration of the Rights of Man and of the Citizen. This Assembly was essential for the political and social changes during the Revolution.
  • Formal opening of the Estates General

    Formal opening of the Estates General
    It was held in Versailles and was convened by King Louis XVI to address France's financial crisis. The three estates were gathered, but there was significant tension between them, leading to a standstill. This event marked the beginning of a revolutionary process that would lead to the French Revolution.
  • Tennis Court Oath

    Tennis Court Oath
    It was an important event early in the French Revolution. Members of the Third Estate were left out of a meeting, so they met in a tennis court and promised not to leave until they created a new constitution. This was significant for representing the people and starting a government based on the will of the people. It showed a change in power away from the monarchy.
  • Storming of the Bastille

    Storming of the Bastille
    It was a key event in the French Revolution. The Bastille, a prison that symbolized the king's power, was attacked by people searching for weapons. Its fall started the fight against the monarchy's oppression. This act stood for freedom and resistance. Today, the storming of the Bastille is celebrated as Bastille Day, a national holiday in France.
  • The August Decrees

    The August Decrees
    The August Decrees were decisions made by the National Assembly to address the needs of the people during the Revolution. These orders eliminated the privileges of the nobility and the clergy, ensuring that everyone had the same rights under the law. Basic rights, such as freedom of expression, were upheld. This marked the end of the old regime and created a fairer society. It helped France become a republic.
  • The Declaration of the Rights of Man and of the Citizen

    The Declaration of the Rights of Man and of the Citizen
    It is a fundamental document of the French Revolution. It establishes principles of liberty, equality, and fraternity, stating that all men are born free and equal in rights. It recognizes essential rights (freedom of expression, the right to own property, etc.). This declaration is considered a cornerstone in the history of human rights.
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    Legislative Assembly

    It was created as the new government of France after the National Assembly. It was made up of elected representatives who could make laws and make decisions about the country. This faced many problems, and tensions arose that led France to war with other countries. This assembly lasted only a year and was replaced by the National Convention due to the crisis in the country.
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    1st French Republic

    It was announced on September 22, 1792, ending the monarchy. It was created amid a political and social crisis, seeking equality and rights. Important changes were made, such as the creation of new laws and the abolition of the monarchy. The republic faced internal problems, including wars with other countries. The First Republic ended in 1804 when Napoleon became emperor.