The French Revolution

  • Period: to

    Absolutism and the French Revolution

  • King Louis XV Takes Control

  • The Spirit of the Laws Published

  • The 7 Years' War begins

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    The 7 years' War

  • Candide Published

  • Napoleon Born

  • Storming the Bastille

    An angry mob storms the Bastille to gain weapons. They take the prison and kill the commander. Beginning of The Great Fear.
  • Declaration of the Rights of Men and the Citizen Written

  • Swiss Guard Massacred

  • King Louis XV Killed

  • Marie Antoinette Killed

  • Constitution Written

  • Napoleonic Code

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    Napoleon's 1st Reign

  • Napoleon's Coronation

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    Napoleon's 2nd Reign

  • Waterloo

  • Period: to

    Napoleon's Banishment

  • Napoleon Died