john locke is born!
isaac newton is born
montesquieu is born
voltaire is born
john locke dies..
denis diderot is born
Baron d'Holbach is born
adam smith is born
immanuel kant is born
isaac newton dies
thomas paine is born
toussaint is born
voltaire dies
montesquieu dies
robespierre is born
mary wollstonecraft is born
napoleon is born
denis diderot dies
immanuel kant dies
the start of the first stage
Louis XVI summons the Estates General for the first time in almost 100 years -
Baron d'Holbach dies
estates general meeting called
first time in almost 100 years -
third estate declares itself the national convention
storming of the bastille
declaration of the rights of man and citizen
adam smith dies
Olympe de Gouges writes the Declaration of the Rights of Women
french constitution of 1791
louis' rights are limited -
legislative assembly forms
national convention replaces monarchy w republic
start of the second stage
Period: to
reign of terror
louis xvi excecuted
committee of public safety
levee en masse
robespierre arrested and executed
constitution of 1795
establishes the directory -
mary wollstonecraft dies
coup d'etat by napoleon-creates consulate
toussaint dies in jail
haiti becomes 1st free black republic
napoleon declares himself emperor
thomas paine dies
french invasion of russia
restoration of bourbon monarchy
with Louis xviii -
battle of waterloo
congress of vienna redraws european borders
napoleon dies