Hambruna of 89
One of the detonating reasons for the revolution was the famine caused by bad harvests, excessive taxes, the lack of interest of the rulers towards the problems of the French people, at this time France had an absolute monarchy under the mandate of Louis XVI -
Nilo batle
The French fleet is destroyed in the Battle of the Nile. The British forces, led by Rear Admiral Sir Horatio Nelson -later known as Lord Nelson-, defeated the French. -
La bastilla tome
The invasion of the main French prison by the indignant population takes place -
Execució de Robespiere
At the beginning of his career he was characterized by his democratic and tolerant stance, but being the leader of the Jacobins he managed to rise to power in France and establish a dictatorship of Terror, where he ruled in an uncompromising way. In the end, the justice of the Convention wanted him to die by guillotine. -
In turn, the Revolution is considered to end when Napoleon Bonaparte carried out a coup d'état in November 1799 and established the Consulate and the Empire as a political regime.