The French Revolution

  • King Louis Calls The Three Estates Together

    Facing crippling debt, the monarch of France, King Louis XVI assembles the three estates. Louis wishes to raise taxes on the citizens of France, but law states that he can only do so with the approval of the Three Estates. However, what Louis did not predict was that the First Estate and the Second Estate would vote to only raise taxes on the Third estate. This angers the members of the Third Estate, who represent over 95 percent of the French population.
  • National Assembly Formation

    National Assembly Formation
    Eventually, The Third Estates plan of tax law was not being fulfilled and so they became the National Assembly.
  • The Tennis Court Oath.

    The Tennis Court Oath.
    The Third Estate had argued that because they represent most of the population, they should have gotten more votes. Eventually, they were not allowed to join meetings anymore. The Third Estate ended meeting up by a tennis court and swore to not depart until King Louis recognized the power of the National Assembly. This event was called the Tennis Court Oath.
  • Beginning Of The Storming Of The Bastille

    Beginning Of The Storming Of The Bastille
    Troops were surrounded all over Paris and Louis XVI had banished the Finance Minister because he was supportive of The Third Estate. There was around more than ten thousand people gathered at the Royal Palace. There were foreign mercenaries from Swiss and Germany. These soldiers did not care about the poor French people and had no loyalty to those people. They would use violent tactics to keep Paris and The Versailles intact.
  • Chaos In Paris

    July 14th, Paris was in a state of chaos. The Bastille was close to being empty with less than 10 prisoners there. A crowd was gathered that morning to announce that the prison be gone. Also, for the removal of the cannons and weapons. But, this was not taken lightly and gunfire had begun.
  • National Assembly’s Attempts At Fixing Financial Problems.

    The National Assembly has attempted to fix financial problems for months. Their first plan was The Declaration Of the Rights of Man and of the Citizen. However, this plan ultimately failed and the financial problems remained. A few months later, in November, The National Assembly got rid of the old judicial system and announced that the church is to be for the whole nation.
  • Revolution Is Coming

    The high prices and scarcity of bread had and on impact on the women of France, which caused them to riot. The poorest of The Third Estate were purposely taken away their food in order to benefit the Privileged. However, the true reason for this March on Versailles was a royal banquet where new officers were welcomed. However, this was reported as nothing but excessive eating which angered commoners. This began the 11 mile march to the palace to confront King Louis.
  • The Declaration of the Rights of Man

    The Declaration of the Rights of Man
    General Lafayette and Thomas Jefferson had made The Declaration of the Rights of Man. This was inspired by ideas of the Enlightenment and had stated that all humans are important. The declaration contained rights awarded only to men. Despite the rights being given to a large part of the population, there was a difference between those who got rights from The Declaration of the Rights of Man and Citizen and those who didn’t. Active citizens were men who French, over 25 years old, & payed taxes.
  • Destructions and Executions

    Destructions and Executions
    In order to get rid of any reminders of the old Monarch government, the churches were ruined and torn down because the old government had given the clergy privileges. Also, Nobles were executed, arrested, and sentenced to death on this day. If anyone was accused of not supporting the revolution, they would also get executed, even if there was no evidence that they said that provided.
  • Napoleon Controls Italy

    By 1799, Napoleon had complete control over Italy. He had completely changed their government by setting up a series of a new republic, new laws, and banning old feudal privileges.
  • The New And Advanced Government

    Napoleons government was deeply inspired by the Ancient Régime. His government was combined of Local and national governments, the courts, financial institutions and banks, codes, and a committed workforce. These are all examples of national institutions. Napoleon also recognized talent and potential of all French people, not just upper classes and would them with jobs. Napoleon also created the Napoleonic Code, which consisted of laws and rights. This code has successfully removed feudalism.
  • Napoleons Rise In France

    Napoleons Rise In France
    Napoleon was a strong military leader and brave conquerer. On November 9, 1799 General Napoleón Bonaparte had replaced the 5 Man Directory with the Consulate by staging an overthrow. And Finally, in 1804 he had because emperor and with that, the Republican phase of the French Revolution ended. This was done after Napoleon successfully invaded Italy and was welcomed back to France as a hero. But, when he got back, France was in chaos because of the 5 Men Directory. However he started the consul.
  • Confederation of the Rhine

    Confederation of the Rhine
    After Napoleon established his empire, he was looking to make peace with Europe and Russia. Peace, though, was not meant to last. The Confederation was made to act as a buffer state from any agresivos that comes from Austria, Russia, and Prussia, with Napoleon as its protector. The Confederation was above all military alliance. Kingdoms were to supply France with their own military items to show their support for France. However, when the Confederation fell, many of its members switched sides.
  • Fall Of Spain

    Napoleon had forbidden nations from trading with Britain so that Britain's economy would get weaker.But, Portugal would constantly violate these rules. This leas to the rebel against Charles IV. The mutineers had forced Charles to abdicate his throne for his son and enemy, who has ultimately became Ferdinand VIII. Napoleon then invited Charles and Ferdinand to Bayonne and forced them to give up their thrones in order for his brother, Joseph Bonaparte, to become the king of Spain.
  • Russia Gets Invaded

    Napoleon ultimately decided to invade Russia because of their removal from the Continental system. Napoleon had named the war the Second Polish War in order to gain allies. Napoleon had brought 680,000 soldiers to bring Russia out to battle. Russians called Cossacks were to burn towns and villages. But, this strategy had destroyed Russian territory. Napoleon then entered Moscow where he made the Russian army retreat. Eventually, this all backfired because of harsh conditions.
  • París’ Downfall

    París’ Downfall
    March 30-31st, the 6th coalition fought. This consisted of Russia, Prussia, and Austria and those countries invaded France. Napoleon realized that he could no longer continue defeating the Coalition armies and so he agreed to head eastward and organize the entire country as a whole against the invaders. Napoleon had his plans exposed and the Tsar of Russia and King of Austria marched to Paris and French Commanders gave the city to the Tsar.
  • The Battle of Waterloo

    The Battle of Waterloo
    The Battle of Waterloo was the final battle of the French Revolution and it was the last battle Napoleon Boneparte ever fought in. Napoleon’s French forces were outnumbered by the combined armies of the English and the Prussians, led by British officer the Duke of Wellington. When Napoleon was defeated, the French throne was once again given to King Louis XVIII. Napoleon was exiled to an island named Saint Helena where he died from natural causes a few years later.