The French Revolution

  • The Three Estates

    The Three Estates
    Facing crippling debt, the monarch of France, King Louis XVI assembles the Three Estates. Louis wishes to raise the taxes on the citizens of France, but law states that he can only do so with the approval of the Three Estates. However, what Louis did not predict was that the First Estate and the Second Estate would vote to only raise taxes on the Third Estate. This angers members of the Third Estate, who represent over 95 percent of the French population.
  • The Tennis Court Oathhey establish the National Assembly and reasoned to draw up a constitution based on popular sovereignty.

    The Tennis Court Oathhey establish the National Assembly and reasoned to draw up a constitution based on popular sovereignty.
    The Tennis Court Oath was when people in France promised to stay together until they made new rules for the country. They made this promise in a tennis court because they couldn't meet in their usual place. The Third Estate mostly made up of Bourgeoisie couldn't get into a meeting so they went to a tennis court. There they made a group called the National Assembly and decided to make new rules based on what the people wanted. It was all about giving power to the people.
  • The Storming of the Bastille

     The Storming of the Bastille
    The events that led to the Storming of the Bastille is that on July 11 1789 the troops distributed across Paris. Louis dismissed and banished his finance. There were also foreign mercenaries soldiers they were less caring of the poor French then the ordinary French soldiers. They also had no problem using brutal attacks to keep order in Paris and Versailles.
  • The Declaration of the Rights

    The Declaration of the Rights
    It's important to mention the declaration were only given to men which means not everyone was included. Slavery wasn't addressed in the declaration is a really important point because it shows that there were still some things they needed to work on I think the most important one is that the Declaration of the Rights of Man and the Citizen was about giving people equal rights.
  • French finance ministers under Louis XVI to revitalize the French treasury

    French finance ministers under Louis XVI to revitalize the French treasury
    Turgot went after the nobles and parliament folks' privileges. Necker showed what the royal family spent money on but it wasn't true. Calonne had a fair plan to cut spending sell church land and open up trade. It's like each of them had their own strategies to deal with the money issues.
  • French people at the beginning of Louis XVI’s reign

    French people at the beginning of Louis XVI’s reign
    The French folks weren't happy about the marriage. Initially, they disliked her for being Austrian. Later, they still didn't approve due to her fancy and costly way of living. People were upset that it took her a long time to have a baby. It was like a mix of her background, spending habits, and delays in having a child that made people unhappy with her.
  • The March on the Palace of Versailles

    The March on the Palace of Versailles
    .The March on the Palace of Versailles happened in 1789 when a bunch of angry people mostly women marched from Paris to the Palace of Versailles to protest the high cost of bread and demand that King Louis address their concerns. They were upset about the inequality and the suffering of the common people. The march eventually led to the king and his family being brought back to Paris.
  • The consequences of King Louis and his family trying to escape

    The consequences of King Louis and his family trying to escape
    When King Louis and his family tried to escape during the French Revolution it didn't go well. People got mad because they thought he wasn't being honest. This made things worse for the king and eventually led to big changes in the government. They were caught and brought back to Paris. People got even angrier at the king. This showed that the king was not in control and his power weakened even more
  • The New French Government

    The New French Government
    The new French government created by the Constitution of 1791 was Louis XVI in September 1791 he abolished many institutions defined as injurious to liberty and equality of rights. The French Revolution European monarchs watched the developments in France and
    considered whether they should interfere. They also feared that the revolutionary might expand across the continent and into their nations.
  • European countries involved in the French Revolution

    European countries  involved in the French Revolution
    Other countries joined the French Revolution because they were afraid that the ideas of freedom and fairness might spread to their lands. They wanted to protect their own and prevent any challenges to their power.
  • Creation of National Convention

    Creation of National Convention
    The National Convention chosen by the radicals was like a big group that had power in France. They decided to get rid of the king and say France was a republic. The Jacobins who were in charge wanted to change things up. They took away lands and titles from the fancy people
  • Napoleon becomes Consulate

    Napoleon becomes Consulate
    Napoleon was really good at fighting battles when he was young. He kicked out the British from a French port and won against the Austrians. People thought he was awesome and he became a leader in France. He did a move called a Coup d'Etat, and then he got rid of a group called the Directory and set up a Consulate. After that he called himself the First Consul for life.
  • Napoleon becoming the First Consul

    Napoleon becoming the First Consul
    Napoleon's military victories and leadership skills played a crucial role in his rise to power. His strength, intelligence and strategic capabilities earned him the admiration of the people leading to his selection as the First Consul. Napoleon became the First Consul by being a great military leader and also winning battles. People liked him because he was strong and smart so they chose him to lead the country. That's how he became the first consul.
  • The Battle of Austerlitz

    The Battle of Austerlitz
    Napoleon had a big win near Austerlitz. He tricked Russia and Austria by pretending he wanted peace because his army seemed weak. But it was all part of his plan to team up with his friends. In the end Napoleon's enemies armies were beaten.
  • Napoleon’s goals with the Continental System

     Napoleon’s goals with the Continental System
    Napoleon's goals with the Continental System were to weaken Britain's economy by stopping European countries from trading with them. He also wanted to hurt Britain's power and make them weaker in the war. He hoped this would help him win against Britain. This had significant consequences on European trade relationships causing challenges and reshaping the economic landscape of the time.
  • Napoleon divorced Josephine and married Marie-Louise

    Napoleon divorced Josephine and married Marie-Louise
    Napoleon divorced Josephine because she couldn't have children and he wanted an heir to continue his rule. He married Marie-Louise because he thought she could give him a son to be the next ruler. Napoleon wanted to secure his empire's future with a child from his new wife.
  • Napoleon's Invasion of Russia

    Napoleon's Invasion of Russia
    Napoleon's decision to invade Russia despite advice against it led to challenges due to the harsh winter and lack of supplies which weren't issues in the more hospitable regions of central Europe. This campaign ultimately led to his downfall and reshaped the political landscape of Europe.
  • The Battle of Waterloo

    The Battle of Waterloo
    The Battle of Waterloo was the final battle of the French Revolution and it was the last battle Napoleon Boneparte ever fought in .The Battle was fought in present day Belgium. Napoleon’s French forces were outnumbered by the combined armies of the English and the Prussians led by British officer the Duke of Wellington. When he was defeated the French throne was once again given to King Louis.Napoleon was exiled to an island named Saint Helena where he died from natural causes a few years later.
  • The Holy Alliance

     The Holy Alliance
    These alliances were formed and their impact on European politics during that time. The dynamics between the monarchies and their efforts to maintain power and prevent revolutionary influences make for an intriguing historical narrative. These alliances shaped the post-Napoleonic era and influenced the balance of power in Europe.