Unknown 1

The French Revolution

  • Estates-General meets for the first time since 1614

  • Tennis Court Oath

  • Period: to


  • People stormed Bastille because threat from Louis XVI on National Assembly

  • Clergy and Noblity gave up Fuedal dues, Serfdom, the Tithe, Hunting and Fishing rights, and Personal Privaliges

  • Surrender of feudal rights: The August Decrees

  • Surrender of feudal rights

  • The Declaration of the Rights of Man and of the Citizen

  • Start of Reign of Terror

  • A group of women attacked Versilles

  • Palace of Versailles stormed

  • Civil Constitution of the Clergy

  • Louis XVI accepts the Constitution formally

  • Royal family caught trying to flee to Austria

  • King Louis XVI and his family try to flee to Varennes

  • Louis XVI accepts the Constitution formally

  • France declares war against Austria

  • The king, hiding in Tuileries Palace, was forced by a mob to wear a red hat, symbolizing revolution.

  • September Massacres of prisoners in the Paris prisons

  • Proclamation of the First French Republic

  • Louis XVI executed

  • Marie Antoinette guillotined

  • National Convention, led by Robespierre, passes decree to establish the Cult of the Supreme Being

  • Directory takes on executive power

  • Robespierre arrested and killed. Reign of terror over.

  • People accepted the coup d'etat of Napoleon

  • Constitution of the Year VIII- leadership of Napoleon established under the Consulate. French revolution considered ended

  • Napoleon as First Consul for life

  • Civil Code (also known as Code Napoleon)

  • Napoleon crowns himself Emperor

  • Napoleon invades Russia

  • Napoleon arrives in Moscow to find the city abandoned and set alight by the inhabitants; retreating in the midst of a frigid winter, the army suffers great losses.

  • Napoleon is exiled to Elba

  • Restoration of Louis XVIII

  • Napoleon arrives in Paris. Beginning of the Hundred Days

  • Battle of Waterloo

  • Napoleon is exiled to Saint Helena

  • Napoleon dies