The French Revolution

  • Enlightment Period

    Enlightment Period
    There was a-lot of key moments in the Enlightment period. Some people that were involved in the progress of the Enlightment period was John Locke. He was a major because he helped make the constitution.
  • American Revolution

    American Revolution
    The American Revolution started in 1775. The Revolution was about the Americans getting freedom from the British. Some major events that took place in the french revolution is the Boston Tea Party. That was signifigant because it helped them not have t o pay taxes to the British without representation.
  • The March of the Women

    The March of the Women
    The March of the Women was also known as the October March. this event was one of the most signifigant time in the Frenchrevolution. it was also one of the earliest moments in the French Reolution.They also put the King on house arrest.
  • Imperialism

    This is when a county colonizes another country so they can expand their wealth. The countries in the continent of Europe colonized the continent of Africa, Asia, India, and Austrailia and some other parts of the world.
  • neo-classical art

    neo-classical art
    two artists from this art period is Jean-Francois de Troy and Gavin Hamilton. Jean was a Frech painter. The Time Unveiling Truth was one of his greatest paintings. Gavin Hamilton was a Scotish painter. He painted a peice of the Scotish nation church. it was called the Sant'Andrea degli Scozzesi.
  • Industrial Revolution

    Industrial Revolution
    This was the time period where machinery startedbto contribute a-lot. Factories wher made and this helped expand the auto-industry. It helped create new weapons. It also increased imperialism. it helped lead to World War 1
  • World War 1

    World War 1 began on 28 July 1914. It involved Germany, Austria-Hungary, Ottoman Empire, Bulgaria. Some allies were, Serbia, Russia, France, Britain, Belgium, Romania, and the U.S. The war ended on November 11, 1918.
  • Egyption Revolution

    Egyption Revolution
    It was mainly a campaign of non-violent civil resistance.They marches, acts of civil disobedience and labour strikes. Millions of citizens protested and many people from different religous backgrounds wanted the overthrow of the regime of the Egyptian President Hosni Mubarak. 846 people were killed, and 6,000 were injured.
  • Libian Revolution

    Libian Revolution
    This is also known as the Lybian Revolution. They were rebellig because they were tired of the dictatorship by Muammar Gaddafi. Plus they want to have a democracy.
  • Syrian Revolution

    Syrian Revolution
    At first the citizens of Syria were just protesting. Then soldiers of Syria were ordered to to fire on a crowd of prtestors. Then it sttarted to be a armed rebellion. 40,000 and 51,190 people have been killed since the revolution started.