Napoleon Bonaparte
He was born on the mediterranian island of Corsia. When he was 9 years old his parents putted him in military school. -
The Old Order
The social and political system of was The Old Regime. Under this system the peolple of France were divided into two states.- The first state it was composed if the clergy they didin't pay taxes
- The second state it was composed of rich nobles they barely paid any taxes and they owned 20% of the land
- The third state About 97% of the people belonged to the third state they made almost all the taxes.
Economic troubles
In the 1780's France was in an economic decline.This caused alarm, particularly in the third state. This also caused crop failures this results into sevre grain storage. -
first carrer
At the age of 16 he finished school and became liutenant in artilery. When the revolution broke out he joined the new government army -
In 1789 the price of bread doubled and many people died of starvation. -
Saaint Domingue
When the revolutionary ideas reached Saint Domingue they demanded for the National Assembly to give them the same rights as the people in France adn so did the slaves and a civil war overtook the colony. -
Estate General
Estate General was an assembly of representatives from all three states to approve King Louis XVI new tax law. -
Tennis Court Oath
The thrid state delegates found themselfs locked out of their meeting room. They broke down a door to an indoor tennis court, pledging to stay until they had drawn a new constitution. This pledge became known as the Tennis Court Oath. -
Representative government
They voted to establish the National Assembly, in effect proclaiming the end of an absolute monarchy and being a representative government. -
Storming the Bastille
Rumors were spreading in Paris. That they were keeping captive the third state delegates and that foreign troops were coming to Paris to masacre French citizens. On July14,1789 a mob searching for gun powder and arms stormed into the bastille, a paris prison. This became a symbolic act for the french revolution. -
Reform of France
The noblemen joinde their memebers of the National Assembly sweeping away the privilages of feudalism in the first and second state, thus making commoners equal to the nobles and the clery. Then the old regimen was dead. -
The Great Fear
women marched to Versailles protesting about the high prices of bread. First the demandedd that the National Assembly did something to provide bread. Then they turned their anfer against the king and queen demanding for them to go back to Paris with them. Finally Louis agreed never seeing Versailles again. -
The royal family tries toescape
The royal family tried to escape from France to the Austrian Netherlands they tried but were caught and forced to go back to Paris. -
War and execution
Russia and Prussia urged the French to restore Louis ti his position as an absolute monarch. The Legislative Assembly reponded by declaring war. -
France at war
Purssian forces were advancing on. The Purssian commander threatend to destroy Parisn if the revolutionaries harmed any member of the royal family. -
Invade the Tuileries
20,000 men and women invaded the Tuileries palace were the royal family was staying. They massacred the royal guards and imprisoned Louis, Marie and their children. -
National Convention
It abolished the monarchy and turned France into a republic. Adult male citizens were granted the right to vote and hold office. -
The king in the guillotine
The former king walked with calm dignity up the steps of scaffold to be beheaded. -
The war continues
Great Britain,Holland,and Spain joined Prussia and Austria against France. -
Terror grips france
Maximilien Robespierre a jacoien leader slowly gained power. Robespierre and his supporters set out to build "republic of virtue"
by wiping out every trace of Fraance's past. -
Commitee of public safety
Robespierre became leader of the Commitee of Public Safety. For the next year Robespierre ruled France as a dictator and the period of his reign became known as the Reign of Terror. -
End of the terror
fearing of their own safety some members of the National Convention turned against Robespierre. They demanded his arrest and execution. -
Robespierre's end
Robespierre went to the guillotine. -
The directory
It gave power to the upper middle class. Madeup of five men all were moderates -
Hero of the hour
The defended the National Convection delegates and becasme known as a hero. -
Still a hero
The directory appointed Napoleon to lead the army against the forces of Austria and the kingdom of Sardinia. He succeded. He tried to repeat that succeses in Egypt, but he ccouldn't his naval forces were blocked by Horatio Nelson defeated his naval forces. But Napoleon was able to keep his story out of the newspapers and remained a hero. -
Coup d'Etat (coup)
The directory had lost control of the political situation and the confidence of the french people -
Napoleon took action
Troops under Napoleons's command surrounded the national legislative and drove out most of its members the member who remaind then vote to dissolve the directory. Instead they made a group of three consuls, one of whic was Napoleon -
Lost of americanterritories
Napoleon decided to restore the sugar productivity in Saint Domingue. He was not successesful -
Europe was at peace for the first time in ten years. Napoleon was free to focus his energies on restoring order in France -
Napoleon sold the island of Saint Domingue to president Jefferson for 15 million dollars. -
Napoleon the emperor
On 1804 Napoleon decided to make himself emperor and the french voters supported him. Then on December 2 dressed in a splendid robe of purple velved he was crowned emperor. -
The Battle of Trafalgar
Napoleon's one major lost battle was the battle of Trafalgar it was his naval defeat against his enemy Horatio Nelson. -
The continental system
Napoleon set up a blokage a forcible closing of ports to prevent all trade communication with Britain and other European nations. Napoleon called this the continental system -
Peninsular war
The second critical mistake that Napoleon commited in an effort to get Portugal to accept the continental system he sent an invasion force through Spain. The spanish people protested his action and Napoleon reactedn by removing the king of his thrown and putting his own brother. -
The invasion of Russia
Napoleon and hia grand army of more than 420,000 men marched into Russia. As Napoleon advanced Alexander's troops retreated and practiced scorched-earth policy -
Battle of Borodino
Alexander's and Napoleon's armies clashed in the battle of Borodino. After hours of fighting the Russian's fell back and allowed Napoleon to move to Moscow. When Napoleon got their it was burned and he had to go back to France. He only came back with 10,000 men -
Napoleon suffers defeat
He faced the allied European armies outside of the German city of Leipzig. -
The allied armies were pushing steadily toward Paris. -
Napoleon accepted the terms of surrender and gave up his throne. The victores gave him a small pension and exiled or vanished him to an island called Elba. -
The congress of vienna
This congress of vienna had three purposes
* The containment of France
* Balance of power
* Legitimacy -
The hundred days
Napoleon escaped from Elba and landed in France and crowds welcomed him. within days Napoleon was again emperor. -
Napoleon attacked the british army. Then the Prussian army came and defeated Napoleon's army of the field. Wasting no time the British shiped Napoleon the island of Santa Helena -
Napoleon's Death
Napoleon lived in Santa Helena for 6 years until he died of a stomach ailment perhaps cancer.