The French and Indian War

By AremJSJ
  • Albany Plan of Union

    A plan made by Ben Franklin to unite the colonies under one ruler.
  • Period: to

    The French and Indian War

  • France Constructs Fort Dusquense

    This angered Brittish colonists and kick started the war.
  • Washington is defeated at Fort Necessity

    Washington's hastily constructed fort could not withstand the french.
  • Great Brittain declares war on France

    The true begining of "The French and Indian War."
  • Braddok defeated at Fort Duquesne

    The French were victorius.
  • Spain Joins France

    The actual time is a mystery but this is an educated guest.
  • Capture of Fort Dusquesne

    The fort would later become Fort Pitt and then Pittsburgh.
  • Capture of Fort Louisbourg

    Allowed the Brittish to sail up the St. Lawrence to Quebec.
  • Battle of Quebec

    The Brittish troops were led by Genral James Wolfe, while the French were led by Montcalm. The General Wolfe's troops won.
  • William Pit is appointed

    This is when the fort takes on the name Fort Pitt.
  • Battle of Montreal

    This battle ended in Brittish victory. They surrendered all of Cannada and the Great Lakes.
  • Capture of Fort Niagra

    Ocurred when Brittish troops captured Montreal.
  • Treaty of Paris is signed ending the war

    The end of an age.