the founding of the united states

By Bez54
  • massacre at mystic

    massacre at mystic
    a massacre of native Americans for killing a white outlaw for taking Indian girls hostage
  • the scalp act

    the scalp act
    because of a Pennsylvania the scalp allowed people to bring scalps of adults and children in for money
  • the Boston tea party

    was a defiance by the people of the British injustice against the colony's
  • The battle of Concord and Lexington

    The battle of Concord and Lexington
    this battle kicked off the revolutionary war and cause the long fight for independence in America
  • the declaration of independence is signed

    the declaration of independence is signed
    the untied states writing its laws allowing for the country to confirm its solidarity
  • the winter at valley forge

    the winter at valley forge
    washingtons amry holding a strategic point while they suffered they built their experience and helped the army overall
  • the Battle of Yorktown

    the Battle of Yorktown
    this battle ended with the defeat of the british and forecasted the defeat of the british and liberation of the colonies
  • the article of confederation

    the first constitution of the untied states
  • the 3/5ths compromise

    the 3/5ths compromise
    this considered slaves as people and they could vote but they only counted as 3/5ths a person
  • the constitution is ratified

    the constitution is ratified
    this begins the great laws and when the united states had a clear and precise jurisdiction from Britian
  • presidential inauguration of George Washington

    presidential inauguration of George Washington
    this marked the first president of the united states making it a unified nation of america
  • summary of George Washington

    a farewell from Washington after stepping down from 2 terms of president and residing to his cabin
  • the death of George Washington

    the death of George Washington
    one of the first founding leader of the united states along with what sent America into its beginnings
  • marbury vs. madison

    this was a judicial debate about the power of the federal courts being allowed to make legislative and executive acts unconstitutionally
  • election day 1800

    this day was important because it marked when thomas jefferson beat john adams making him the second president of the united states
  • slave trade ends

    slave trade ends
    the triangular trae of slaves and goods ends and slaves are no longer delivered to the us
  • Battle of Tippecanoe

    Battle of Tippecanoe
    a battle between Tecumseh's forces and general Harrison forces with the us winning and delving a serious moral blow to native american sides.
  • Missouri compromise

    Missouri compromise
    this divided the states making the north and south from free sates to slave states
  • indiana removal act

    indiana removal act
    this removed indians from their home lands moving them to reservations to live in
  • Nat Turner Rebellion

    Nat Turner Rebellion
    5 slaves escaped and enlisted 75 other slaves with guns and killed whites to secure their freedom
  • trail of tears

    trail of tears
    this was a large trail where multiple indians traveled thousands of miles dying on the way there to be removed from their home lands
  • fugitive slave act

    fugitive slave act
    this did not allow slaves to escape from slaves states to free states and become free and were forced to go back to their slave state
  • dred scott decision

    dred scott decision
    one of the worst decision by the supreme court saying that Scott was free but could never be a citizen violating the Missouri compromise
  • emancipation proclamation

    emancipation proclamation
    Abraham Lincoln sign a proclamation that anyone held as slaves in the rebellious states was considered a free state in the union
  • 13th amendment

    13th amendment
    this law removed slavery and only allowed for it as a punishment by crime
  • 14th amendment

    14th amendment
    no state can make law the remove the privileges or rights of us citizens
  • John D. Rockerfeller creates standerized oil

    John D. Rockerfeller creates standerized oil
    created a stand oil business and was criticized for making too much money and taking over an empire of oil
  • 15th amendment

    15th amendment
    grants African American men the right to vote
  • Battle of little bighorn

    Battle of little bighorn
    Custer leads himself to defeat against crazy horse and his band of plains indianas
  • the great Oklahoma land race

    the great Oklahoma land race
    was a rush for people to claim land in Oklahoma
  • battle of wounded knee

    battle of wounded knee
    was a massacre of the lakota people where 300 people were murdered by the united states
  • Ellis isle opens up

    Ellis isle opens up
    helped process immigrants as they came into the united states
  • Plessy vs Ferguson

    Plessy vs Ferguson
    a case that cemented the saying separate and equal as long as place were separate but equal
  • the wizard of oz book is published

    the wizard of oz book is published
    a great book was written by L Frank Baun
  • Angle island open to process immigrants

    Angle island open to process immigrants
    was an immigration station for people in san Francisco
  • the empire state building opens

    the empire state building opens
    new yorks biggest building the empire state building was built