The foundation of the United States

  • The end of French and Indian War

    The end of French and Indian War
    Also call the "7 years war" because it lasted that many years form 1754 to 1763. The French and Indian wasr was a war between the French and the British. After winning the war, the British lost a lot of money and to collect the money, the Kind George III decided to imposed taxes on the colonits without representation.
  • Period: to

    The foundation of the United States

  • The Sugar Act

    The Sugar Act
    The Sugar tax was a tax on sugar, molasses, and other stuff the colonies imported. This act increases the duties on imported sugar and other items such as textiles, coffee, wines and indigo. This act prompted james Otis a Massachusetts lawyer, to famously proclaim, “ Taxation without representation is tyranny!” it became the battle cry of the colonists. The colonists were saying what is on their mind.
  • Stamp Act

    Stamp Act
    The Stamp Act taxed all legal and commercial documents, including diplomas, contracts, newspapers, and even playing cards. The Colonist Protested this act bitterly. They organized the stamp act congress in New York city to decide what to do. Local Leader like Samuel Adams of Boston Organized chapter of the sons of liberty.
  • The Quartering Act

    The Quartering Act
    The Quartering act was that british soldiers in the colonies could stay in any private house they wanted and the families living there would have to house and feed them. All these act were happening so they were scared that the colonies will attach the parlement.
  • Townshend Act

    Townshend Act
    These acts taxed imports like glass, paper, paint, lead, and tea. It always allowed British officers to search home and businesses for smuggled goods. The Colonists responded with boycotts and protests.
  • Boston Massacre

    Boston Massacre
    It is a incident when the British killed five colonists making the Boston Massacre.
  • Tea Act

    Tea Act
    The tea act said that colonists had to buy their tea from england. The colonist responded with the Boston tea party on december 16th, 1773.
  • The first Continental congress

    The first Continental congress
    In the fall of 1774 Representatives from every colony except for Georgia met in Philadelphia for The First Continental Congress.At the meeting,Representatives were declaring that they are american and not just colonists from Virginia,New York,Pennsylvania,etc.
  • Coercive Acts

    Coercive Acts
    The acts called for a naval blockade of Boston harbor until the tea from Boston tea party was paid for. NO ship were allowed in or out. it was also known to the colonists as the intolerable acts. In response to the “ Intolerable acts” all of the colonies, except Georgia, met in the first continental congress. The congress decided to ban all trade with England until he acts were repealed.
  • The Second Continental Congress

    The Second Continental Congress
    During thsi congress colonist didn’t agree with the independence because they colonie where not affect with the Boston massacre or the challenges that boston was going through and also because some wanted their life the way it was and some because they thought they might lose the battle against the strongest army in the world. Convincing people, Adam came with the idea of having a continent army and he nominate George washington to lead it.
  • Nomination of George Washington

    Nomination of George Washington
    George Washington was nominated to become the learder of the continental army.
  • The Battle of Long Island

    The Battle of Long Island
    Battle of Long Island – August 27-30, 1776
    George Washington tried to move his troops about 10000 men south to New York when he is aiming the British target after his successful capture of Boston. American and British, which were approx. 37,ooo men, fought over each other then British won because of their larger army. Eventually American lost 312 men, 1407 wounded and 1186 captured.
  • The batlle of Trenton

    The batlle of Trenton
    (1775-1783) It was a good timing for
    Americans since British didn’t prepared much and were
    celebrating. American got control much of New Jersey and
    improved the moral and unity of the army. Many of the British
    soldiers were captured but America had less causalities.
  • Siege of Charleston

    Siege of Charleston
    Battle of Saratoga – September 19 and October 7, 1777, during the American Revolution (1775-1783).It was a turning point for America because American forces led by Horatio Gates and Benedict won over the second part of the battle and General John surrendered. This made French to realize Americans have the well-formed army and joined them for the war.
  • Surrender at Yorktown

    Surrender at Yorktown
    Siege of Yorktown -October 19, 1781. British General Charles
    Cornwallis formally surrenders 8,000 British soldiers at Yorktown, since the Yorktown was surrender by French and American armies, the help from the British side weren’t able to
    come in the place, by realizing the fact, Cornwallis chose to give
    up and defeated.
  • Treaty of Paris

    Treaty of Paris
    During the treat of paris, John Adams of Massachusetts, Benjamin Franklin of Pennsylvania, and John Jay of New York traveled to Paris to negotiate, the terms of a peace treaty with Great Britain.The United States and Great Britain sign the Treaty of Paris which some condictions included. For more info see google.