The formation of my goverment

  • The great battle

    The great battle
    The Great Battle, was a scuffle between the royal family. Some agreed with each other while others didn't it lead to a division in the country which caused a battle between the family to break out which was name 'The Great Battle'
  • Death of the King

    Death of the King
    On September 18 the brother of the King finally caught his dictator of a brother and brought him to a public square for public death. This would change the course of the government further down the line.
  • New Chapter

    New Chapter
    With the new king in place, he created a council to come together in order to talk about the welfare of the country. This was the moment that peoples civil rights and liberties came into existence.
  • Progress

    As the years passed the Monarchy was put back in place, with a newly elected council that represented the people of the nation. They came up with solid Domestic and Foreign policy plans, that would help make the baby government a stronger one.
  • The Rest is history

    The Rest is history
    With the newly established government that was running stronger further down the years. The country became a power house, not only were the elected officials and the in office King listening to citizens but they were also improving and making changes happening. In order to create a strong monarchy that would go down in history for years to come.