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The Formation of Canada By Peter Denison (JAN 1st means uknown)

  • Rebellions of 1837 End

    Rebellions of 1837 End
    The Rebellions started in November of 1837 with early succuss for the Patriotes. Then the while the Patriotes started to fail Upper Canada attacked Toronto and failed miserably. The rebellians were over in less then a month.
  • Lord Durham's report is issued

    Lord Durham's report is issued
    After the Rebellians the British Government sent out Lord Durham to figure out why they started. Lord Durham was a French racists and was nice to the rebels making him very controversial. He made the report that stated Upper and Lower Canada should become one province and they should have a responsible government. Britain said they should be one province but decided to decline the responsible government.
  • Act of union Released

    Act of union Released
    The act of union was released to Britain and accepted that Upper and Lower Canada would become United Canada
  • United Province of Canada is Formed

    United Province of Canada is Formed
    When Upper and Lower Canada formed they became United Canada or West and East Canada. The Capital was in Montreal
  • Vancouver Island was crowned a colony of Canada

    Vancouver Island was crowned a colony of Canada
    Vancouver island became a colony of canada and would eventually make British Colombia one to.
  • Lord Eligin signed the Rebellion losses Bill

    Lord Eligin signed the Rebellion losses Bill
    The Rebellion losses bill [a bill that stated that anybody with damaged property (including rebels) would get tax money to pay for it] was signed by the governer of the time and lord Durham's son lord Elign. It was a very contriversial bill and made many people angry seen by the parliment building in Montreal.
  • Angry people Burn down the Paliment building

    Angry people Burn down the Paliment building
    People angry with Lord Elgin and the bill burn down the montreal parliment building moving it to swaping from Quebec City and Toronto.
  • Reciprocity treaty is signed with the US

    A treaty stating that America would not attack Canada as long as they were trading was made. This allowed Canada to trade with the States cheaply while the corn laws were repealed and America would get the money from the confederation thought to come soon.
  • Gradual Civilzation act is passed

    Gradual Civilzation act is passed
    The aboriginal people of Canada were originally ignored mostly being pushed aside and expect to live like the Britains. When the aboriginals started getting in the way the gradual civilzation act was decided to be passed so that aboriginals would be assimilated into canada's population letting all rules not apply to them (promise of land).
  • Colony of British Columbia is created

    Colony of British Columbia is created
    The colony of British Columbia joins Canada. It is the farthest to the west and is famous for it's warn coasts and lumber industries.
  • Period: to

    American Civil War

    The American Civil war was always a danager to Canada because of the U.S. thinking that they would own all of North America. according to the Annexation Manifesto. This threat was increased as the British helped the South states so Canada thought that the Northern states would attack them.
  • The Great Coalition is Formed

    A deadlock was formed in the early government of Canada when bill had to have majority between the French and the English making any important laws difficult to impossible to be made. The great coalation was deciding that John A. Macdonald would be the prime minister and that the he would make the decisions for the French and the English at the same time.
  • Charlottetown Conference is held

    Charlottetown Conference is held
    The Charlottetown conference was held in Charlottetown to discuss confederation over 9 days. The maritime colonies were invited but New found land couldn't make it in time. During the confrece all colonies were included but Prince Edward Island decided that they did not want to be a part of the Confederation.
  • The Quebec Confrence is Held

    The Quebec Confrence is Held
    Another Confrence to discuss the confederation. The Confrence lasted for 17 days and the parties were discussing creating a unified government or a provincial one.
  • The London Conferece is held

    The London Conferece was the finnaly confrence held to talk about the Confederation. Held in London with the Queen witnessing it John A. Macdonald and 15 other delegets from Canada had the Queen sign the bill saying Canada would become a Dominon.
  • Canada Becomes a Dominion

    Canada Becomes a Dominion
    On July 1st 1867 Canada finally becomes a confederation and all of the Colonies are to be united.
  • Northwest Territories join the Confederation

    Northwest Territories join the Confederation
    The first territoritory to join the confederation Northwest territories is the largest land mass in Canada.
  • Manitoba Joins Canada

    Manitoba Joins Canada
    Manitoba is formed becoming the first praries province and joins the confederation.
  • British Colubia joins the Confederation

    British Colubia joins the Confederation
    British Columbia holding out until now to join the confederation. It was the first province to be part of the confederation on the west coast.
  • Prince Edward Island joins the Confederation

    Prince Edward Island joins the Confederation
    Prince Edward Island gives in to the confederation after going ino debt and the promise of money and a better econmy for joining.
  • Yukon Joins the Confederation

    Yukon Joins the Confederation
    The Second territory to join the confederation and the land mass with the least population at the time.
  • Saskatchewan joins the Confederation

    Saskatchewan joins the Confederation
    The second praries province joins the confederation once again being annexed from the Hudson bay compony.
  • Newfoundland Joins the Confederation

    Newfoundland Joins the Confederation
    The final province to join the confederation and the largest of the maritime provinces
  • Nunavut joins the Confederation

    Nunavut joins the Confederation
    After takins some land from the Northwest Territories acording to what the Inuits said to do and becoming the largest land mass of canada with the lowest population and finally finishing of canada.