The first moon landing

  • Period: to

    The First Moon Landing

    In 1957,the soviet union launched Sputnik 1,the first artificial satellite.
  • 1961

    Soviet astronaut (Yuri Gagarin) became the first person to orbit the Earth,making soviet union the leader in the space race.
  • 1963

    United states worked hard to send humans to the moon,the president John F Kennedy promised that America wold land a man on the Moon
  • Apollo 11, 1969

    Apollo 11, 1969
    Apollo 11 launched with three astronauts:Neil Armstrong,Buzz Aldrin, and Michael Collins.after travelling four days,they reached the moon,on July 20,1969,Neil Armstrong became the first man in to walk on the moon,he said the famous words:"that's one small step for man,one giant leap for mankind.
  • What did they do and how did they get back?

    What did they do and how did they get back?
    The astronauts spent 21 hours on the moon conducting experiments,taking photos and collecting 382 kg of moon rocks.they returned safely tho earth on July 24 , 1969,landing in the pacific ocean
  • After apollo 11

    After apollo 11
    NASA send five more successful Moon missions between 1969 and 1972 , but in the 1970s , there were no more humans to go to the moon

    NASA and private companies are planing new moon missions,and scientist are also preparing for possible missions to mars