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the first fleet arrives in Australia

  • Period: to

    First Fleet Arrives

  • First Fleet Arrives in Australia

    First Fleet Arrives in Australia
  • Catholic settlers petition the Governor for a Priest

    Catholic settlers petition the Governor for a Priest
  • Catholics in Australia

    Catholics in Australia
  • The first two priests arrive in Australia

    The first two priests arrive in Australia
  • First mass allowed two be celebrated

    First mass allowed two be celebrated
  • First free priest arrived

    First free priest arrived
  • first offical catholic priests arrive

    first offical catholic priests arrive
  • Catholics in New South Wales

  • Emancipation Act in England

    Emancipation Act in England
  • first important officials in new south wales who were catholics arrived

    first important officials in new south wales who were catholics arrived
  • bishop polding appionted

    bishop polding appionted
  • Church Act

  • Myall Creek massacres white settlers killed a group of Aborigines at myall creek

    Myall Creek massacres white settlers killed a group of Aborigines at myall creek
  • caroline chisollm championed the cause of women and emigrants

    caroline chisollm championed the cause of women and emigrants
  • polding appointed archbishop

  • First priest arrives in Brisbanne

    First priest arrives in Brisbanne