The First Five Presidents

  • George Washington is Elected

    Washitngton was the first president of the U.S.. He was famous for leading the American army in the Revolutionary war and served two terms (8 years).
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    Washington's Presidency

    Washington was the first president of the United States of America (U.S.A.) and served for two terms (8 years).
  • The Cabinet is Formed

    In September of 1798, the same year Washington was elected, he sent the nomination of the first cabinet member, Alexander Hamilton, to the Senate.
  • Washington Re-elected

    Washington did not enjoy being president and was dismayed to find out that he was elected for a second term.
  • Washington Steps Down

    On this day George Washington voluntarily stepped down from presidency, setting the precedent of presidents leaving office after two terms (8 years).
  • John Adams is Elected

    John Adams's single term as president. Adams was the second president of the U.S. and was very famous for his ability to talk a lot.
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    John Adams's Presidency

  • The XYZ Affair

    Over the couse of July 1797, France sent three agents to the U.S.A. to bribe U.S. government officals in political matters. Adams refered to these three agents as X, Y, and Z.
  • The Alien Act is Passed

    The Alien Act that Adams proposed in 1798 allowed the president to remove any alien, immigrant, from the country during a time of peace. This was the first act in a chain of acts dealing with immigrants from other countries.
  • The Sedition Act

    The Sedition Act gave the president the power to decide which actions were concidered treason. This could also be any type of writing that made the president look bad.
  • Thomas Jefferson is Elected

    Jefferson was the third president of the U.S.. His election was important because it was the first time that political power passed from one party to another without violence. Jefferson served two terms (8 years).
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    Jefferson's Presidency

  • The Barbary War Begins

    The Barbary War was between the U.S. and the Barbary Pirates who were located in the Mediterranean Sea. Jefferson declared war after the Barbary Pirates began attacking American trading ships and had captured the Americas most powerful warships. Jefferson had ordered the creation of the Marines, who would swim through the water until they reached thier target, once they did they would climb out of the water and attack. The Marines decided to blow up the warship when they couldn's recaptrue it.
  • The Louisiana Purchase

    Jefferson bought the Louisiana Territory from France to gain land for settlers, so that the U.S. could expand west. Jefferson also wanted it so that he could control over the port of New Orleans, giving America power over the trade on the Mississippi River.
  • Jefferson's Re-election

  • The Barbary War Ends

    Jefferson signs a treaty to end the first Barbary War.
  • The Slave Importation Act

    This is when Jefferson signed the Slave Importation Act that declared african slaves could no longer be imported from Africa. This Act was passed exactly 20 years after the constitution was signed, allowing the government to start interfearing with the slave trade.
  • James Madison is Elected

    Madison is the fourth president. He seemed to want to follow the Constitution as closely as possible.
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    Madison's Presidency

  • The Battle of Tippecanoe

    The Battle of Tippecanoe was between U.S. forces and a group of different Indian tribes under and alliance. The Indians had created the alliance in order to stop American settlers from joureying west in search of land. The Americans won the battle and this strenghtened the American government.
  • The War of 1812 Begins

    When this war started the U.S. was unprepared. The only reason that the U.S. joined was to stop the impressment of U.S. sailors. During this war the U.S. attempted and failed to invade Canada. The English, who were also involved, took this opertunity to burn Washingto D.C..
  • Madison's Re-election

  • The End of The War of 1812

    This date marked the end of the War of 1812.
  • The Second National Bank

    After the War of 1812, the Second Bank of America began oporating in the tail end of Madison's presidency and the very begining of Monroe's presidency
  • James Monroe is Elected

    Monroe is the fivth president. One of his main goals during his presidency was to improve U.S. relations with other countries such as England and Spain.
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    Monroe's Presidency

  • The Rush-Bagot Treaty

    The Rush-Bagot Treaty that was put into place in 1817 was resolve issues with the border of the Great Lakes after the War of 1812.
  • Monroe's Re-election

  • The Monroe Doctrine

    The Monroe Doctrine was a speech, written by John Quincy Adams for Monroe, that basicly said that the U.S. wanted all European countries to sever their ties with colonies in the Americas and the U.S. would remain neutral and not interfear with Eruopean affairs.